Tera Haq Hai Mujh Pe

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Sana took the first step into her house. House she had built with her love. She was exploring each corner of the house. She was all lost in her world. She was touching furniture, vases, frames like she was reliving every moment. She felt an instant connection with this house. Neha was about to go to her when Sid stopped her.

Neha: Bhai! She doesn't know anything here. She may need help. House is too big. She has just come from a journey. She may get tired. Let me guide her your bedroom.

Sid: No Neha! Look at her. She has lost in her thoughts. She is not trying to remember anything but she is sensing some sort of affinity towards the house. You know each corner of the house was designed in her supervision. She was so excited when we bought this plot. It was her dream. I am sure she has recollecting it. There was her bucket list before marriage. She is not a designer but she had designed her home. She is living her dream now. Let her live it.

Sana was moving in the home as if she knew every corner of the house. Sid was just following her from behind. He knew she was fine but she was not recovered and she gets faint at any moment. Sid has sent Arnav into his room. He has designed a room, especially for Arnav. Arnav didn't ask anything specific for him but Sid knew him. So he has accordingly placed everything in the room.

Sana thought," How can I doubt his love? Each corner of this house is exclaiming his love for me. It is exactly same as I have designed in my book. Everything is the same. How can I feel indifferent here? I am already feeling closeness here.

She was moving further to their bedroom. She enters their room. She gets dumbfounded looking at the interior. Their room was designed accordingly night theme. Stars and moon. Tears were rolling through her eyes. Her body was tired due to travel but her soul was just born again. As if she has got a new life. Her vision got blurred due to tears. She was about fall on the floor when strong arm held her through her waist. There were hair strands on her face. Unknowingly his hand moved towards her face. He removed that hair strands to watch her beautiful face. And there was intense eye lock. Both were lost in each other. The first time she was feeling so intimate with him. Their proximity was sending shivers through her whole body. She didn't want to come out of his embrace. He was also feeling like he has got her after ages. He makes her stand properly. But he doesn't leave her. He was still holding her by the waist. Their faces were just inching away. Her lips were trembling. He leans towards her and he pecks her lips softly. She feels like she has regained her life. Her smooth and luscious lips start giving in. And both lips start exploring love and passion. It was soft and tender kiss first. But slowly it turns into a passionate one. Her eyes were shedding tears. These tears were of completeness. She suddenly bites his lower lip. He was stunned with her action but gets happy internally. He also bites her upper lip. She winces in pain His tongue enters her moth exploring each part of her mouth. Both tongues were entangled together. Minutes were passing but both were lost in a surreal kiss. Both were living an amazing moment after so many days of separation. And after some more minutes both run out of breath. They both leave each other. Sid takes her in a tight hug. He was happy but he was scared too as he had initiated it. He was worried about what would she think about him. He pulls away little to read her eyes. She was looking at him with a lot of love. But still, Sidharth was not fine with his move. He got carried away at that moment. Both were silent for some time. She was feeling little weak so she gets seated on a bed.

Sid: I am sorry.

Sana: Why?

Sid: I got carried away. You are not well and...

Sana: And I may get hurt. I may regret it. But I felt good.

Sid in stun: What?

Sana: I felt like I am regained my life. Aur tera haq hai mujh pe.

Sid was happy and relieved to hear those words. He so wanted to take her in his arms. But he controls his emotions.

Sid: You are an angel of my life and I want you to be happy always. Now you get fresh and I will get something for you to eat. I will introduce you to maids later. Now just relax and take rest.

Sana: Where is Arnav? I was so lost in myself. I didn't think about him.

Sid: Don't worry. He is in his room. Neha has told Meera Tai to care of him.

Sana: Thank you.

Sid: For what? For Arnav?

Sana: No, for this home. I know every corner of this home is as per my wish.

Sid: Your every wish is my wish and so it is designed as per our wish and hence there is no need to say thanks.

Sana gets fresh and enters to closet room. Again she gets happy to see her clothes. She was just lost once again, exploring her everything. Some traditional wears, western wears, long gowns. She chooses simple pyjama and top for her comfort. She comes out and goes into the balcony enjoying the side view. Sid also gets fresh in another room and comes to see her. He gets happy to see her happy and content face.

Sid: Let's go and eat something. You must be tired.

Sana: This balcony must be my favourite place. Right?

Sid: Yes! The most favourite place of both. I will take you tomorrow on a long drive at night. You used to love it.

Sana gets excited.

Sana: Wow! I am so excited. I would love to.

Sid takes her to the dining table and they eat together. He introduces her to the staff. He had already informed staff about her health so everybody was interacting with her keeping that in mind. She was feeling more relaxed compared to her home in Chandigarh.

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