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They all get in the car and Avi drives to his and Sana's favourite spot. Sana was continuously talking and both boys were on the mission of the cold war. Sana was doing her best to pacify them. Meanwhile Sana asks Avi to turn on music player. And Avi starts it.

Sana: OMG! Avi! This is the same playlist which I had saved in your phone. You still have it? Why you are so perfect, friend.

Avi: Yes baby girl! My phone has changed but people in my life are the same.

Sid: But choices of people can change and new songs also get added in playlist. Sana likes some of recent tracks too. And her playlist has been changed now.

Avi smirks: And I bet you that I know which recent tracks she might be listening nowadays. Because I know my best friend very well.

Sid: Let's try it then

Sana: You guys again started? I am going mad now. Can't you behave little civil with each other?

Sid: We are fine jaan. I don't think Avi has any problem with it. This is our style of communication.

Avi: Yes, baby girl! He is right. Now let me play some new tracks.

Avi changes playlist and songs change. Sana screams in joy.

Sana: I can't believe. How do you know my choices so perfectly? Avi, you are the best.

Sid was pissed off. In normal days he would have given an angry stare at Sana. But now Sana was not fine and he didn't want to ruin her day. But how can he sit just like that? He doesn't like to lose.

Sid: I must say you are brilliant. I mean Avi you understand her so well. Then how come you didn't understand when she fell in love with me? I mean you got to know about us when she told you. And you were upset with her for that. She didn't tell you but still you didn't observe any changes in her?

Sana knew, where it was going. Sid was her life and she knew his possessiveness. But Avi was her best friend and he was there for her at every phase of life. She already was feeling guilty to reject Avi's proposal two years ago. This was the reason she never called him after her marriage. She wanted both of them to behave friendly with each other but it was impossible.

Avi was visibly upset as Sid had put his finger on Avi's wound.

Avi: You are correct Sid. Kabhi kabhi hum sab kuch jaan ke bhi bahut kuch jaan nahi pate. And I failed to know her feelings.

Sana: Avi! Please yaar! Don't say like that. It was me who purposely hide my feelings.

Sana was upset with Sid as she never expected from Sid that he would talk such sensitive topic so casually. But she would never confront Sid in front of any third person. Sid too understood Sana is upset. After some time there was silence in the car. Sid decides to break the ice.

Sid: I am sorry Avi. I shouldn't have said that. I didn't mean it.

Avi: It's ok Sid. I understand.

And Avi halts car at the side of the road.

Avi: Chalo guys! Let's move. Here is our destination.

They all come out. It was a beautiful lake outside the city. This place was not much famous place. But It was a quiet place. Avi and Sana were used to visit this place many times. Avi takes out some snacks and other things from the car and they move towards the lake.

Sid: Wow! This is an amazing place.

Avi: This was our small picnic spot. We used to come here at least twice in a month.

Sana starts running towards the lake.

Sid: Jaan! Please don't run like this. You are not well. Please go slow sweetheart.

Sana was not in a mood to listen. She was coming to that place after more than 2 years and she was very excited. She was running and suddenly she stumbled on the rock and falls. There was a slope because of which she rolls down the slope.

Sid's heartbeat skips. He runs after his life. Nothing worse can happen right now. He goes to her to find her unconscious. Blood was flowing from her head. There was a big injury on her head. Avi also runs. He was also shocked and panicked to see Sana in that condition. Sid takes her in his arms and moves towards the car.

Sid: Avi please run we have to go to the hospital.

Avi was frozen at one place but gets back to reality with Sid's voice. He starts driving. Sid was continuously trying to wake her up.

Sid: Jaan please open your eyes. Talk to me. Please jaana. Why did you run? Why don't you always listen to me?

Flow of blood was unstoppable. Sid's handkerchief was fully drenched in blood.

Sid: Drive fast Avi. We need to take her to the nearest hospital.

"Oh, God! She is on drug. She has lost so much blood. I will not forgive me if anything happens to her. God, please keep her safe." Avi thought. He was scared. He was driving with speed. Each passing second was like an hour for Avi and Sid. Avi decides to take her to Dr Batra's hospital only. He calls Dr Batra.

Avi: Dr please listen carefully. Sana had an accident. Her head is bleeding. She has fallen unconscious. Please make arrangements fast. We will be there within 10 minutes.

Dr Batra: Head injury? OMG! It is dangerous. Don't take her to any other hospital. Take her here only. That drug has an anticoagulating effect. Bleeding will not stop easily. Blood loss can be dangerous to her life. Please drive fast and take her here.

Listening to this Avi was more scared and guilty. Here Sid was panicked.

Sid: Why you called Dr Batra? Can't you see how much she is bleeding? We should take her to the nearest hospital. I can't take any risk. Are you listening? Why are you behaving like this?

Avi: Sid! Please keep your mouth shut. I know what I am doing. She is everything to me. I will not afford to lose her. So please, God's sake let me take her to Dr Batra. I beg you don't argue now.

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