Does she love me?

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Sid was dumbfounded with Ma's request. Though the request was obvious, there are many things wondering in his mind. This is not simple. How can he promise something where it's not him, Sana is also involved? But what if his mother takes it otherwise? Her health is too bad. He can't risk that too. He was silent for a few minutes.

Sid's Ma: It's ok. I should understand, you would not say yes.

Sid: Ma, please! It's just she has lost her memory. She doesn't love me.

Sid's Ma: She loves you.

Again, he was shocked. How can she say so confidently? She hasn't met her once.

Sid: How can you say that Ma? I mean you haven't met her. You don't know her.

Sid's Ma: Sometime before she was here. Right?

Sid: Oh! Did you know it? I am sorry Ma. I didn't want to hurt you.

Sid's Ma: Do I look angry or sad?

Sid: No, but then you don't like her. And wait...what she said to you? Did she say she loves me? Did you forgive her? Oh, God! What's happening? I should not ask you so many questions. You are not well.

He was behaving insanely. There were too many shocks.

Sid's Ma: No, I haven't forgiven her yet. She has snatched you from us. She is an illegitimate child. I still don't know what upbringing she must have got. But still, she is your choice. And she didn't confess anything but I could feel she loves you. So now you tell me.

Sid: Ok Ma. I will talk to her and I promise you that I genuinely will try to fulfil your wish. Now, you take rest. Don't think too much. You are going to be fine soon.

Sid's Ma: Thank you. I want to meet her once. Will you take her here?

Sid: Yes Ma. She would love to meet you. Just one request Ma, her condition is very critical. I mean sudden stress can cause her brain haemorrhage. Please don't take it otherwise. I know even your health is worse but...

Sid's Ma: I am not a monster, my son. I could have tried earlier too. I had thought about it. But then your Papa, he is very conservative. You know that. He would never accept her. I didn't want to go against him. But now I don't know how many days I am going to survive.

Sid: Ma, please don't say that. I will bring Sana here tomorrow.

They were talking when the nurse interrupted.

Nurse: It is not allowed for the patient to talk so much. You can sit outside. Let her take rest.

Sid obeyed her and went outside in his room.

Sid in mind:

I said yes to Ma. But what about Sana? Her health is also not fine. If I tell her the reason, she would say yes but it is not right. I don't wasn't to force her for anything. I should consult her doctor too. Is her body is ready to handle pregnancy? This is not easy. What I am going to say her? Why me? Why God? I don't want to disappoint Ma. Her health is worse. She taking efforts to know Sana first time. But what about Sana? Why she should suffer? Ma is assuming that Sana loves me. But does she? She cares about me. But does she love?

His chain of thoughts was broken by Sana's call. He picks up the phone.

Sid: Hello Biwi? Do you reach home? Are you fine?

Sana: I am fine Mr Husband! Tell me, how is Ma? Did you speak to her? How is she feeling?

Sid: Yes, Jaan! I talked to her and she is fine. She is feeling much better. I talked to the nurse. She too said everything is fine. I am going to stay here today. I can't come home today.

Sana: It's ok. You stay there. But what about dinner? I will send something with Raju kaka.

Sid: Don't bother bacha. I will eat something in the canteen. I know you would cook for me. You too need to take rest, sweetheart.

Sana: I am fine, Sid! I know you would not eat anything because you don't like hospital food.

Sid: How you know that?

Sid was curious because again they never talked about it before. Sana also got confused as she said it in a flow but she didn't know it.

Sana: I don't know Sid. I just felt. I don't know how I mean....

Sid: It is ok, jaan. It happens. It has happened before too. So it is fine. Don't overthink.

Sana: It is normal, right? I am gaining memory? What doctor said about it?

Sid: Yes baby, you will regain your memory soon. But don't try to remember anything. Ok?

Sana: Yes. I will not. Ok, the point is, I will cook something for you and send the tiffin with Raju kaka. And I love to cook for you so don't worry.

Sid: I so wanted to pull your cheeks and peck them. You are my sunshine. I love you meri jaan.

Sana: Haayyee!!! Itana pyaar? Just cooking ke liye? Fir to main har roz aise hi khaana banaungi. Mujhe mere pati ki attention bahut pasand hai.

Sid: Not just for cooking. For everything jaan. You don't have any idea, how effortlessly you lift up my mood! Can I ask you something?

Sana: Why are you hesitating? Have you forgotten that I am your wife? And you have all rights?

Sid: No, but...I mean...we are staying together for so many days. You care for me. I mean I feel it. I don't know but....

He takes a long pause.

Sana: What happened? Please speak up.

Sid: Do you have any feelings for me?

Sana: Of course! I care for you. I am very much emotionally attached to you.

Sid: that is ok but I mean do you love me?

Of Course! She loves him. But she was shocked why suddenly he asked her this question? She wants to confess but not like this. She wants to look into his eyes and confess her love to him. But what now? She can't deny it. But she doesn't accept it like this. She was confused. And hence she was silent.

Sid: I am sorry Jaan. I shouldn't have asked you this. I am really sorry.

Sana: Can we talk about it later. Please?

Sid: Yes meri jaan. Please don't think much. I am such an idiot.

Sana: Now you are overthinking. Stop it. I have to go to cook now so I will talk to you later.

Sid: Are you not angry?

Sana: No, I am not. Now bye. Take care of Ma.

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