How can you forget......

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Sid was almost to take off the chamber but then he needed to clear his confusion. He found something odd in that statement. He chose to confront Dr Batra and after that leave. Consequently, he turned and sat on a chair.

Sid: Dr, Why you said that? I mean, why you said not to leave Sana?

Dr Batra: Don't worry my child. It's like I loved your bond. You both love each other very much and I got emotional so I said that. But don't worry. Everything would be fine.

Sid was calmed. He thanks him and comes out. Sana was about to enter the chamber when Sid embraces her firmly. There were tears in his eyes.

Sid: Everything is fine jaan! I was so scared. I was so scared to lose you. You already had some intuitions. So I got frightened more. I only know how much I waited to hear about your wellness.

Sana was also relieved that she was fine.

Sana: Pagal hai mera Kullu! Girls get mad for this rough and tough guy and what they call you iron man right? I don't want my iron man to cry. I can't relate this Sidharth Shukla.

Sid breaks hug and pecks on her temple.

Sid: For world, I may be a tough guy but darling you hold the power to melt this iron man. And always will.

Dr Batra was watching this scene.

"Whatever I am doing is completely wrong and illegal. I don't have any right to break these pure hearts. But now I can't back out. Otherwise Avi would destroy me and Kamini. I don't know why but I still believe everything is gonna perfectly fine. They will never get separated. They are connected by souls and their love is boundless" Dr Batra thought.

After check-up of Ms Gill, they all leave for home. Avi was not comfortable after Sid and Sana's confrontation. He was going mad. He was continuously fighting with his mind for his deeds. But again he succeeded to divert his mind from it. Yes, he was selfish now. He always protected Sana from everybody. And now he wanted to protect her from her love which was a very stupid thing.

Days passed. Sana was feeling much better now. But sometimes she found her head heavy. But she ignored it as she thought it may be due to medicines.

Sid and Sana were relaxing in their bedroom. And Sana's phone rang. She was looking at the phone and was just staring at the phone.

Sid: What happened jaan? Why are you not picking up the call? Whose call is this?

Sana: Neha. It's Neha

Sid: Then why are you not picking up the call?

Phone ring stops.

Sana: Who is Neha?

Sid: Are you kidding me? I am not in mood for any prank?

Sana: I am not kidding Sid. Seriously I don't remember. Who is she? Why her number is saved on my phone?

Sid stares at her to find out what's cooking in her mind. He was still thinking that she was in the mood to play with him. He can't never believe that she would forget Neha. He decides to play along with her.

Sid: Even I don't remember who is she? You dial and ask her.

Sana: You too don't remember? Then let it be. I don't think she would be that important. Let it be.

Sid notices her seriousness. "She is fucking genuine. She really not remember about Neha? How might it be possible? Should I try to make her remember? But still, how can she forget my sister? I know they haven't talked for long. But she can never forget her." He thought.

Sid: Stop joking Sana. Enough of it.

Sana: About what you are talking?

Sid: You don't remember Neha?

Sana: You know her? I don't remember. Please tell me who is she? How can I call her back and ask who are you when her name is saved in my phone?

Sid makes her sit on his lap and cups her face.

Sid: Neha is my sister Sana. How can you forget her?

Sana starts crying.

Sana: I don't remember Sid. I am not joking. How can I forget.......

She tries to remember but suddenly goes blank and faints. Sid gets anxious. He makes her lie on the bed properly. He sprinkles some water on her face. She gets conscious after a minute.

Sid: Are you ok jaan? How are you feeling?

Sana opens eyes slowly and finds Sid very anxious.

Sana: My head is heavy. There is a little headache. What happened to me? Why are you looking so worried?

Sid: You just fainted jaan. We were talking about Neha di and....

Sana interrupts in between

Sana: Neha di? What happened? Is she fine? See from so many days I didn't call her. She must be angry on me. You never call her but she never get angry on you.

Sid was hell worried now. It was clear that she was not playing any prank. His confused face was making Sana too worried.

Sana: What happened Mr Husband? Why are you looking so confused?

Sid: Do you remember Neha di was calling a few minutes back?

Sana: Oye! Neha di was calling and I missed the call? Let me call her. Where is my phone?

Sid gives her phone and she talks to Neha for next 45 minutes leaving hell confused Sid behind. He was just recollecting the happenings. It was not at all normal. He knew that.

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