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After their morning routine, all were sitting together and chit-chatting. Arnav had taken some break from school as he hardly get time to spend with Sana and he didn't want to miss it. Sid has passed some lame jokes and everybody was laughing at it. And Sana's phone rang. After seeing that call her expressions changed. Sid told her to pick up the call and talk. She still was under anonymous fear. Her intuitions were warning her. But then just for the sake of Sid, she picked up the call.

Sana: Hello!

Ms. Gill: Hello beta! Good Morning! How are you?

Sana didn't like the way her mom was talking so casually as if everything is normal.

Sana: Do you call me to ask about my wellbeing?

Ms. Gill: Please! Can't we talk normally?

Sana: How can you expect Ma?

Ms. Gill: I know you have many issues with me. And we actually haven't talked to each other about it. This is the reason I want to meet you and talk to you. I want my daughter back.

Sana: It isn't that simple. All the worst memories are carved on my heart. It isn't that simple to be normal. But Sid wants me to meet you. If you want to talk to me then first call Sid and welcome him to your mansion. I would come with him. I don't think this ought to be an issue for you. Right Ma?

Ms. Gill: Sure beta. I will personally call Sid and invite you both to your own house.

Sana: Ok we will wait for your call.

Saying so she disconnected the call. Sid was getting to inquire her about the call at that he gets a call from Ms. Gill. He was stunned to see her mother calling him. He looks at Sana. Sana just gestures him with her eyes to take a call.

Sid: Hello Ms. Gill

Ms. Gill: You can call me Ma bacha

Sid's phone was about to fall from his hand but he composes himself.

Sid: Oh! Ya! Ma! Yes....

Ms. Gill: I would be happy if you both can join me for dinner. Can I expect you both tonight here?

Sid: Ya sure...Ms. Gill...I mean Ma.

Ms. Gill: thank you beta! Will wait for you both

Sid kept the phone aside.

Sid: What was that?

Sana: That is why I am scared, Sid! I don't think this is a nice decision to go there.

Sid: It is ok sana. I am with you. So you don't have to get afraid of anything.

Arnav: Buddy! I don't think it is a good idea. GF is right. If she has some bad intuitions then better not to ignore it. Her intuitions never be wrong. I am worried about you both. Please understand.

Sid: We are not going to stay there dude! Don't worry. Nothing would happen.

Sid was showing himself being optimistic about this meeting but he himself was scared too.

After a long discussion, Sid and Sana both agree to go for dinner and get ready.

After a long time, Sana was entering her house. No, it was never her house she thought. She was hell nervous. As soon as she enters the house Ms. Gill welcome both of them.

Ms. Gill: I am feeling so good that both of you come here. I am so happy.

Sid bows down and takes blessings from Ms. Gill. Sana was not at all comfortable with this extra sweet gesture of her mother. She never seen her like this, not indeed once. Sana was getting more aggravated. She finally decides to confront her mother.

Sana: Can you please tell me what this drama is about? What do you want from me?

Ms. Gill: I don't want anything from you ma daughter. I want to give you everything you deserve to get. Yes, I always was mean to you. I hurt you a lot but now I want to shower love to my daughter.

Sana: How convenient ma! After so many years suddenly you realized your mistakes? I can't believe it. I am not a fool. I will not fall into any trap.

Ms. Gill: Why would I fool you, sweetheart? Yes, I acknowledge, I never wanted you to born. I was struggling with my own feelings. But God had its own plans. It isn't like I never loved you but I was not prepared to accept you. Whenever I looked at you I recollected that weak moment. I was running from my own feelings. How can you forget Sana, I could have got married. But I didn't. When I told you to get married to Avi, my only purpose was to secure your future. Avi had everything for you. At that time Sid had nothing but his love. I thought like a typical mother. Sorry for everything beta.

Sana: It isn't simple ma. I cannot disregard my past so easily. And the foremost important thing, you were still angry with Sid. It was me who said you to accept Sid to get in good terms with me. And after that, you all of a sudden realized the goodness of Sid. This is truly a mess. It is very difficult for me to accept you. Why all of a sudden you realized all these things?

Ms. Gill: Because maybe I don't have much time left in this world. Because I know that I have very little time and I want to spend that time with you. Because I want you to be with me in my last days.

Sana and Sid were dumbfounded with this revelation. Pool of tears formed in eyes on Sana. She was shocked. She didn't have an idea how to react. She was trying hard to control her emotional burst out but she failed. She was about to fall on the ground, but Sid held her.

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