Angry Sana

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Extemely Sorry for late update! My health is not fine from few days. But will try to give regular updates from now. Thank you for keeping patience and loving my story. 


Sana slept peacefully at night cuddling to Sid. His arms were her safe place. Sid was also feeling relaxed as she was getting comfortable with him. Next morning was beautiful. Sid woke up early as he needed to attend office today. Sid decided to resume his routine. He headed for the gym. He had missed his gym terribly.

When Sid returned from the gym, he met Arnav in the living room.

Sid: Hey buddy! Good morning! Are you Ok here? I mean the place is new. You must be missing Hamara Ghar. I hope you slept well.

Arnav: Good morning! My GF's Pati! Why are you taking so much stress? Do I look upset or something? I am completely fine. Yes! I miss Hamara Ghar but it's natural. I will adapt easily. You have already arranged everything. Actually, you have arranged more than my needs.

There is a surprise for you.

Sid: You are going to give me a surprise?

Arnav: Not me! Go to the kitchen.

Sid strolls to the kitchen. He gets amazed and delighted to see the view. After so many days he was seeing her in the kitchen cooking something. He goes and stands beside her. Sana was fully engrossed in cooking. She was not aware that he was gazing her. She just turned to get water and she sees his eyes on her.

Sana: Hayye Rabba! I got scared, Sid! When did you come? Why you came to the kitchen? You were supposed to go in the room to get fresh n up.

Sid: Are Biwi! Take a breath. How many questions in one go?

Sana: Why are you here? And why were you gazing me?

Sid: Do I need permission to tadofy my wife? And this is so beautiful site to watch. I have missed it so badly. Even before your memory loss, I used to be busy in office work and I couldn't see you like this. And today I am very happy and also gussa on myself that I have missed so much in my stupidity.

Sana sadly pouts and say," I wanted to give surprise to you."

Sid: Awww! Sorry Baby! But Arnav ruined it. He told me to look in the kitchen.

Sana: I will not leave Arnav! Jydahi bada nahi ban raha hai wo?

Sid: But Biwi! Why are you working alone? Take help. Your health is not completely fine. What if you faint? No, Radhika di will continue. You come with me. You take rest dear. Please?

Sana: Shhhh! I am fine. I only told her to go out and look after other work. I am loving it, Sid. You do so much for me. Can't I cook your favourite Paneer paratha for you?

Sid was happy that she was making efforts for their relationship. But at the same time, he was worried about her health too. He also gets amazed that how would she knows about his favourite food.

Sid: Tell me one thing Biwi! How do you know my choice?

Sana: Hey! Radhika di told me. I never asked you and you never told me about your likings.

Sid: That's so sweet of you.

He pulls her cheeks. She smiles and hits his arm playfully.

Sana: Now go and get ready. You have to go to the office today. Boss hi late hoga to employees kya karenge?

Sid: As you say Biwi! Don't work too much. Call Radhika for the help if you need. And kuch nahi...

Sid pecks her cheeks and runs away from their leaving shocked and shyly smiling Sana behind. She was liking these small gestures. She was falling for him again. New memories are being made. After Sid got ready he came to the dining table. Sana was arranging breakfast with the help of Radhika.

They all sit and start having breakfast,

Arnav: GF! You cook so well. You made my day.

Sana thank him and she was looking at Sid with the expectation that he will say something about it. But he was busy eating. Sana was getting restless. To get his attention she asked him if he needs Raita or water several times. But he was silently eating it. She was eating breakfast half-heartedly as Sid didn't praise her efforts. She finishes her paratha somehow and goes to their room. Sid also after finishing breakfast goes to their room. He was watching time. He was getting late. But his eyes were searching for Sana in the room. She was not in the room. He takes his laptop bag and other accessories then he noticed Sana sitting in the balcony staring at the sky. He takes something from the cupboard and strolls to the balcony. He sits beside her.

Sid: Angry?

She nods no.

Sid: Hurt?

Sana: Why should I be angry or hurt?

Sid: Because your husband didn't compliment your cooking efforts.

Sana: It's ok. It was just ok so there was no need to give any compliment.

Sid: But paratha was delicious and raita was typical Sana special as I like. I love food.

He takes her hand into his. She jerks his hand.

Sana: It's ok Sid. I can't force you and you don't need to say anything which you don't mean.

Sid: Close your eyes.

Sana: What?

Sid: Do as I say. Please?

Sana closes her eyes. Sid takes her hand and keeps something on it. Sana didn't need to open the eyes to guess it. Smell said all. She got happy to see her favourite Champa flowers. She jumps in excitement and hugs Sid. Sid also reciprocates hug. He gets happier to see her happy.

Sid: I know you will love it. While returning from the gym I took it. And yes, I wanted to compliment you but I decided to tease you. And see it worked you got angry. After so many days I could see my angry Sana. You look adorable jaan.

Sana is pleased with his act. She was also liking this side of him.

Sana: Oho! Patiji! So you like angry Sana? Then I will keep my angry mode on.

Sid comes to her and takes her into his embrace. Sana has hidden her face in his chest.

Sid: And your husband knows how to turn angry mode into happy mode again. I love you Jaan

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