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I looked into the crowd of people as I stand at the podium ready to give my valedictorian speech. Today is finally the day we've waited for. The sea of teachers, students, and families quiets down after a few minutes of cheering.
"Good afternoon, my name is Ryleigh Andrews and I'm honored to be standing here today in front of you all as the class of 1980 valedictorian. This year has been a whirlwind of emotions for all of us sitting here today. Our sheer determination and willpower to get us here is admirable and each one of us should be proud of each other for making it this far. There is a certain quote that I believe resonates with this class who has stuck by each other through the past four years of us being in classes together.
'You cannot go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending' by C.S. Lewis and I believe that's so true. We might not have all been best buds or significant others at one point in time. But when it comes down to it, this class bonded together over tough times. I wont keep going on because I want to celebrate just as much as the rest of you but I have one last thing to say. I am blessed to have known you all at one point in my life and I cannot wait to see what this class can do in the future. Here's to the class of 1980" the stadium erupts into cheers as I wave and head down the short walkway back to my seat. As I pass by the first row I see my boyfriend Aaron giving me a watery smile and a thumbs up. I mouth I love you and he winks and blows a kiss back. I sit back down and listen to the rest of the ceremony. After what feels like forever they finally call our row to get up and collect our diploma's from the teachers. "Ryleigh Elenor Andrews" I stride across the stage shaking hands with the teachers and principal that was handing me the diploma, I hear Aaron cheering loudly for me in the crowd and I blush smiling to myself as I walk off the other side of the stage. After returning to my seat they begin to call the other rows up and when the last row has been called we all stand up and listen as the principal makes his final announcement and tells us to turn our tassels to the other side. "Congratulations to the Manassas Central High class of 1980!" The whole stadium explodes with cheers and whistles as we throw our caps in the air, sharing hugs with our friends and kisses with our significant others. I run over to Aaron and he scoops me up into a hug and places kisses all over my face.
"We did it baby, we made it!" Aaron says holding me close
I nod into his shoulder unable to put together just how happy I was. Both he and I had gotten into our first choice schools and we were going to attempt to do long distance, we had been together for 3 years and had no intention of breaking up just because of a little bit of distance. We gave each other one last kiss promising to meet up later tonight with our families, our hands linger a little longer before I finally pull away waving to him. I look around once I get outside looking for my family in the crowd of people, I spot my brother who's conveniently 6'3" and towers over most people, I run over to him yelling apologies to people I push out of the way. Barreling full speed into him he grabs me in a tight hug swinging me around him.
"I am so so proud of you baby sis I knew you could do it! You and Aaron are going to do great things together I know it!" Evan says into my ear. I hug everyone getting similar responses from my family and some of my friends. After a while we head back to the house for our little gathering which consisted of my family and Aaron's mom and brother. After mingling for a few hours and eating the spread of food our mom's cooked, Aaron and I escape outside to the backyard for some peace and quiet.
"Aar.. do you think we'll be okay? Ya know doing the long distance thing? We've never been far apart like this before.." I ask timidly
"Baby I know we'll be okay, it's going to take some getting used to at first of course but we'll be okay love. Why do you ask?" Aaron replies brushing some of my loose hairs out of my face
"It's stupid.. don't worry about it, I just needed some reassurance we would be okay. I just get worried thinking about us not being in the same state you know?"
"Ellie we'll be fine, i'll come over to your dorms every other weekend and you can come up to me on the other weekends. We will make this work baby"
I nod my head and bury my face in his shoulder while he rubs small circles into my back.
"Come on, we have the whole summer to do whatever we want before we have to leave and I for one intend to use every second of it!" Aaron says chuckling before pulling me up with him. We turn to head back into the kitchen when I spot two small cakes on the table with our names on them.
"Rye, Aar hurry up! We're gonna do cake now!!" My youngest brother Donovan yells over the chatter of the adults in the house. Aaron grabs my hand and pulls me over to the table and in that moment I know everything's okay.

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