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THIRD PERSON POV( its short don't worry, just to get everyone introduced and some awkward and uncomfortable conversations out of the way..yes I'm talking about Ryleigh meeting Kate and the team meeting Hector)

"Can you have someone run to my flat and get me an extra set of clothes? And please tell forensics I don't just want to cross check with Connecticut and New Jersey I want Interpol as well? Hector? Aaron's told me that one of their own is going to be working with you and your team, I trust you'll be able to put aside differences to work together? Has the BAU arrived yet?" Kate says walking towards her office with Shelly and Hector in tow

"Yes ma'am no problem if it's who I think it is, trust me we will have no issues getting anything done." Hector says branching off as soon as he's done speaking and Kate nods turning to walk to the office.

"Not yet but they should be here soon.." Shelley says struggling to keep up with Kate's quick strides

"Shelly, can you get me the commissioner?" Kate asks bending down to grab something off her desk when the elevator bell makes her pause for a moment.

"Never mind, hold the call and grab Hector and his team instead. The BAU is here." Kate says walking out of her office and Shelly runs off to find the other team.

"Is it just me or does she look EXACTLY like Haley?" JJ whispers to Penelope and Ryleigh who both nod their heads in agreement.

"Kate!" Aaron says smiling softly at the blonde

" have you been?" Kate asks smiling as well

"Well, thank you. This is my team, Kate Joyner this is David Rossi; Emily Prentiss; Jennifer Jareau; Penelope Garcia; Derek Morgan; Spencer Reid and-" Aaron starts before someone else cuts him off.

"Ryleigh Andrews! ¡Todavía estás tan guapa como el día que te fuiste!" Hector says and Ryleigh breaks out in a huge grin pushing past Derek to run to him. [ You still look as beautiful as the day you left. ] Wrapping her arms tightly around him she looks up and he gives her a small kiss on the forehead before seeing the rest of the other team behind him.

"Joder te quiero, haces cosas maravillosas a mi ego. Estas guapísimo, mi amor!" She says laughing softly into his ear before being pulled off by Sam.

[ Fuck, I love you. You do wonderful things to my ego. You are gorgeous my love. ]

"Hey hey! Share her Hector! Fuck it's good to see you, I just wish it was under better circumstances!" Sam says hugging her tightly.

"It's soo good to see you holy shit.." Ryleigh says turning to hug Corbin before turning around to the team.

"Hi Kate I'm Deputy Chief Ryleigh Andrews, it's nice to meet you!" Ryleigh says outstretching her arm to shake Kate's hand and she returns the gesture smiling.

"Hector, this is the BAU, I see you already know Ryleigh." Kate says looking at me and Ryleigh nods

"I used to run this office before Strauss recruited me so these idiots know how I work, don't worry bosses we will be okay." Ryleigh says chuckling before turning to punch Hector in the arm playfully.

"Guys, this is Hector Rameriez, Samuel Douglas and Corbin Wynn.. guys this is Aaron, Derek, Dave, Penelope, JJ, Emily and Dr Spencer Reid.." Ryleigh says smiling and her team is shocked at the complete 180 in personality.

"Thanks for being here everyone, anything you need just let us know, please don't stand on protocol, Ryleigh not much has changed so just let the boys know if you need anything." Kate says nodding towards Ryleigh and the 'B' team

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