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Between pooling our resources across the FBI as well as other government agencies and working on an insane caseload that took the team across the country, it felt like I hadn't seen or spoken to the group of rambunctious adults I called family, in weeks. It was truly a blessing and a curse to be in charge, a blessing because when things were good and cases were going well, the praise lifted their spirits tremendously and made them feel as though they were truly making a change in this world filled with monsters. But when things were bad, well, it was truly a curse. You know that feeling in your gut when you wake up in the morning and you just know, it's going to be a bad day? That's exactly how it felt when I woke up and headed into the office this morning. Stepping off the elevator on the 8th floor, it was eerily quiet as if nobody was in their offices yet. I made my way down the hall to my office door, stopping to grab the stack of files and envelopes from my inbox outside the frame, before unlocking the door and flipping the light on, illuminating the dark space. The small red light on my desk phone was blinking repeatedly, alerting me to the voicemails I had yet to listen to due to the lack of down time between meetings, cases and physically not being in office. Sliding into the large leather desk chair, I reach over and press play on the voicemail button, listening intently to each message left on the phone. Grabbing a stack of post-it notes, I rip one off and stick it on the desk before grabbing a pen from the cup holder by the computer and jotting down the names and extensions of people I need to call back. In the midst of writing them down, my desk phone rings again to my immediate annoyance and I reach out to grab the receiver before it could ring out.

"Deputy Chief Andrews."

" Hey, it's JJ, um I need you down in the bullpen asap..." she replies nervously, causing a rising dread in my body.

"Is everything alright?" I hesitantly return, standing up from behind my desk to grab my gun from the safe under my desk.

" Um, it's better if I show you..just..come down quickly, please." JJ pleads, before hanging up as I stare at the phone in shock. Slamming the phone back in the cradle, I grab my cell phone and jacket before racing out the door and down the hallway, electing to take the stairs two at a time instead of waiting for the elevator. Bursting through the door, I quickly jog over to the glass doors to the BAU bullpen before stopping in my tracks, noticing the swarm of Army, National Guard and other government agents, milling about in complete chaos. Holy fuck i think to myself as i push the doors and jog past the chaos to find JJ, standing in the conference room with an unfamiliar lady, dispensing white tablets into sample cups. Tentatively opening the conference room door, i quietly close it behind me once i step inside, gaining the attention of the other three in the room.

"Ryleigh..." JJ whispers, looking at me with wide eyes and unshed tears, making my gut twist and clench in fear.

"What's going on? Why is the bullpen in complete disarray?" I question, walking over to the blonde to wrap my arm around her shoulder in comfort.

"I've already called the rest of the team in, they should be here shortly. We can brief in full when they arrive. This is Doctor Linda Kimura, she's the Chief of Special Pathogens with the CDC, she's going to be working alongside us for this case.." JJ explains, squeezing my hand tightly. I look over at the doctor and she smiles but it doesn't feel right to smile during this chaos.

"Hi, Ryleigh Andrews, nice to meet you but i hate that this is how we had to meet." I greet, waving briefly as she nods and returns the wave.

"Likewise, like your agent said, we can brief when the rest of your team arrives. I'd rather do this once if that's fine with you." She agrees, returning her focus to the small cups on the table. The elevator bell dings in the hallway and we all turn, watching the sheer panic on Emily, Derek and Spencer's faces as they observe the disruption in their normally quiet bullpen. Dave and Aaron follow behind them but from a different wing of the building and follow the other three closely before glancing up and making eye contact with me. I watch as Dave taps the others on the shoulder before pointing up in my direction and I point and bend my finger, beckoning them to us before turning back around to face the Dr again. The group files in quietly, observing the spread on the table and the new face standing in the conference room before getting settled.

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