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The next morning we all headed to the station, tired and groggy from lack of sleep as well as jetlag, to go over what the boys found at the crime scene last night. Throwing myself down in one of the fabric office chairs, I dig out my notepad and a pen from my backpack and toss it on the table so I could jot down some notes to have for later.

"Alright so what was at the scene last night?" JJ questions, yawning as she pins up the new victims photo on the board.

"Joseph Fielding, C.F.O for Webster Industries. He was killed in his office and wheeled into the elevator in nothing but his undergarments, restraints and a strip of clear packing tape across his mouth." Aaron begins, pointing at the photo.

"Speaks to our killer pointing out their vulnerability. Put him on display for everyone to see. What else?" I add, jotting down a couple of things.

"There was red lipstick X's across the eyelids, I would say that's just for us." Rossi mentions and everyone nods along.

"The lawyer representing him, Larry Bartlett, wanted us to keep it quiet as if this wasn't the third murder." Derek scoffed, downing the rest of his coffee before tossing it in the garbage.

"We were, however, able to gain access to his bank records, tax records and emails, which gave us more insight as to who Fielding really was as a person." Rossi remarks, handing over the files with all his information in them. We all take a couple minutes or in Spencer's case, a couple seconds, to flip through the files and brush up on his information.

"18 cars, 6 houses and 3 boats..can you even boat in Dallas?" Spencer remarks, looking up from his file as I laugh and shake my head playfully.

"I'm sure there's a couple of man made lakes around here Spencer, if he bought a boat, he had a place to take it out to." He makes a noise of content and sticks his nose back in the files.

"10 grand for a call girl is like deciding where to go for dinner." Emily comments making Derek and I chuckle as we share a look.

"I'm gonna call Penelope, she'll be able to sort through this faster than lightning." I say, pulling my phone out and setting it on the table as it rings.

" Penelope's the name, digging is my game. Whatcha got for me ?" She teases and I snort, cackling at her playful demeanor.

"Heey PG, we need your brains and your computer love."

" One and the same, lay it on me "

"We need you to go through Joseph Fielding's background, everything and anything babe."

" For you mon ami? Your wish is my command. I'll be here!"

"Is there anything this guy didn't spend his money on?" Spencer questions, scanning the file at supersonic speed.

"Yeah his ex wives. Fielding was married 4 times and didnt have prenups for the first two, but he did everything he could to cut them off." Aaron replies and I laugh, elbowing Derek in the ribs.

"Sounds like Rossi minus the cutting off the ex wives part." I snort and earn myself a smack to the back of the head playfully from the man himself as he walks behind me.

"Ow fucker! I was just kidding!" I laugh, teasing the older man as he shakes his head.

"Are there children involved though?" Emily asks and I stop teasing at the thought of the children never seeing their father. Looking over to Aaron, I wait for him to scan the file and give us an answer to Emily's question.

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