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Rossi, I've already told you why—it's because this is Aaron we're talking about here—we all know that—well that's why I made it mandatory duh—ha you wish—no you and Derek are going to be running point in the field if I'm not on the case until he gets cleared from both doctors—I already cleared it with Strauss and she knows that he won't be in the field because of my recommendation. If you have anything else to add come see me in my office David Rossi. And let me know if you get a case—uh huh you too." Walking into the building the next day felt like the day after coming back from a vacation, everyone was dragging and especially with Aaron being out of the office. Unlocking the door to my office, I swipe the stack off file folders sitting in my inbox by the door and kick the door shut with my foot, setting the files down on the desk and putting my things away, I sit down in the leather desk chair and log into my computer to go through any emails I had gotten while we were in New York. Lost in thought as I mindlessly respond to emails from other department heads and bureaucratic red tape, a knock on the oak door startles me, resulting in slamming my knee against the desk.

"Fuck—come in!" I yell, moving my chair back from under the desk to look at the damage from hitting my knee on the desk. Wincing at the cut along my kneecap, I look up to see Penelope standing in the doorway holding a handful of papers and a sparkly glitter pen with a feather on the end.

"Are you okay?" She asks, unsure on whether or not to come all the way into the office space.

"Yeah, just a cut on the knee from where I hit the desk, what do you need love?" I question as I dig through my desk drawers for a band aid.

"Um, I just wanted to let you know that we have a case, and Rossi, Derek and I agree that you should probably be there because it's a weird one if that makes sense? I mean they're all weird but this one is especially weird because of a whole list of things.." Penelope reveals, handing over the papers. Skimming through the file I force a laugh and look up at her with a grim look on my face.

"You're kidding?" I inquire, quirking an eyebrow at the blonde who nods feverishly.

"That's why they want you on this case, so let's get a move on and meet with the modern day knights of the round table." Penelope jokes, turning on her heel and waiting for me outside the office. Sighing in defeat, I turn off the computer and grab a pen as well as the file she handed me just moments ago, and follow her out of the office, locking it behind me.

"I know you're technically my bosses boss which in turn makes you my boss, but I'm still mad at you and Derek for that stunt you pulled in New York missy. Do you know how horrifying it was to see the tracker for the ambulance just stop and then nobody responded?" Penelope shrieks as we get in the elevator to go downstairs.

"I can't imagine, and I am sorry for worrying you. But I promise, both Derek and I are okay. And Aaron will be too before you know it. He's a strong guy and if he takes care of his ear everything will be okay." I explain, leaning over to hug Penelope.

"Now come on, like you said, this is a weird case and we need to meet up with our knights of the round table." I laugh as Penelope pulls me out of the elevator to the conference room.

"Hey Ryleigh" Emily calls out, turning around to greet me as I walk in the room.

"Hello, Hello!" I chirp, smiling at the group as everyone either waves or smiles back.

"Shouldn't we wait for Hotch, JJ?" Spencer questions, looking up from the file.

"About that, Derek and Rossi will be in charge while in the field if I'm not on the case until Agent Hotchner returns per my orders. We all know that he would be here regardless of what his doctors told him, so I politely explained in not so many words that until he has significant clearance from both doctors he is NOT to return to work. Any questions?" I address, opening the floor to the team.

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