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This last chapter takes place 10 years later, yes it's short but I thought it would be the perfect ending to this story.

(entirely third person)

Seeing Emily Prentiss walk into the BAU that day was probably the highlight of everyone's day despite not knowing the reason she was there. Gathering the team together after a brief introduction to the new team members, she sat them all down to explain the reason she was truly here.

"I know that everyone is glad to see me here, I know I'm happy to be here but I'm afraid it's not for a happy reunion. The Hotchner's have entered Witness Protection for their own safety, we have no idea where they could be getting moved to. I have the small letter Ryleigh left as well as their resignations. I didn't read the letter so I have no clue what it could possibly say." Emily stated, eyes scanning the room as she spoke. Everyone seemed to have different degrees of shock running through them at the news.

"Is it because of Scratch? Because we can catch him and they can come home.." Penelope cried out, wringing her hands together nervously in her lap.

"Partially...I'm gonna open the letter and read it, see what they said." Emily replied digging in her jacket pocket for the folded paper she found this morning.

November 30, 2016

To Whomever finds this letter,

I'm so sorry that this is how it ends, I don't have much time to write this, so it won't be pretty and perfect, there will probably be places I've scratched out or underlined for importance. Scratch was spotted at Jack's soccer game 2 weeks ago and then again at his school last week. He was also spotted at Logan's school a few days before appearing at Jack's. I have trusted most of you for almost a decade so it's not about lack of trust in you, it's the lack of trust between myself and Aaron. The two of us would do anything to keep our little family safe and in doing so, we would willingly risk our own lives to make sure they're safe and therein lies the problem. Cause we all know we are reckless like that. Scratch already dosed Aaron once and what he told me in confidence about what Scratch made him see was positively horrifying and I could not imagine putting him through that twice. So for our families safety, we are entering the witness protection program. Like I said, I am deeply sorry that we couldn't stay, but I hope you understand the reason why we can't. Aaron gets to be a full time dad for the first time and I guarantee he's going to love it. If and when you eventually catch him, I sincerely doubt we will be returning to the BAU let alone the FBI. Whenever you end this, and it's safe to come out of hiding, reach out...please. I Love You All so deeply , and wish you all the best in everything you all decide to do from here on out.

    Love Always & With Deep Regret,

        Ryleigh Elenor Hotchner

I, Ryleigh E Andrews-Hotchner, hereby tender my resignation effective immediately as of November 30, 2016. My position will be filled by whomever Matteo Cruz decides on and will not interfere with or slander said selection. I leave the FBI and the Behavioral Analysis Unit with positive views and will not disgrace said unit in any way.

    Ryleigh Elenor Andrews-Hotchner 11-30-2016     Matteo Eduardo Cruz 11-30-2016

    Deputy Chief of the B.A.U             Section Chief of the F.B.I

Richard Lincoln Sheppard Sr 11-30-2016

Director of the F.B.I

I, Aaron Hotchner, hereby tender my resignation effective immediately as of November 30, 2016. My position will be filled by whomever Matteo Cruz decides on and will not interfere with or slander said selection. I leave the FBI and the Behavioral Analysis Unit with positive views and will not disgrace said unit in any way.

    Aaron Hotchner 11-30-2016                 Matteo Eduardo Cruz 11-30-2016

    Unit Chief for the B.A.U             Section Chief of the F.B.I

Richard Lincoln Sheppard Sr 11-30-2016

Director of the F.B.I

"That's all that's written. We know what's next, we make a plan; we research and we hunt down that son of a bitch and end this. Not just for us but for them and all the victims of Scratch's games. Let's hit the ground running and when we've got a location, wheels up." Emily declared, as everyone smiled and left the conference room to start hunting Peter Lewis aka Mr. Scratch. Emily sighed and dropped her head to her chest, not noticing someone walking up next to her. Tilting her head to the side, Rossi smiles softly before resting his hand on her shoulder in silent support.

"We'll be okay right? Can we do this without them?" Emily questioned, sniffling quietly before looking up at her old friend.

"Yeah, we'll be okay in the end. This team has stood together through everything and we won't let this break us now, not when we've come so far. So mio capitano, are you ready to get back on the job and join in the hunt for this bastard?" Rossi said confidently, standing up tall and gesturing to the bullpen.

"Yeah, let's go get this bastard." Emily replied, fist bumping Dave, before wrapping an arm around him as they walked out of the conference room, flipping the light switch off on their way out.

1,000 words

So that's it! I can't thank you all enough for sticking with me on this journey. To think I started writing this just for fun and now it's finished. I probably won't be writing anything else anytime soon but thank you all so so much for all the love and support you've given me.

Fun fact, I spent over a year writing and editing this book, so I'm quite proud of myself.

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