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The courtroom is fairly small, only a few people are sitting in the benches behind us. Cece elbows me and then moves to stand up to speak to the judge.

"We'd like to request that the defendant undergo the process of brain fingerprinting. This procedure will show if the memories of the crimes are present in the mind of the defendant. Regardless of whether or not he chooses to recall them." I look across to the other table where matloff and his attorney are sitting and his attorney has a smug look on his face like he's convinced he's already going to win this case.. sometimes I hate to say it but I don't know if this case even has a leg to stand on but ill be damned if we don't at least try to get this guy for something.

"Your honor, where do I begin? The science on this type of testing is unproven to say the least-" the opposing attorney says before being cut off by Cece.

"In the state of Iowa vs. Terry Harrington, the results were ruled admissible as scientific evidence as defined in congress ruling 702 and in Daubert Vs. Merrill."

"This is a Hail Mary your honor. They have no evidence and they know it. And beyond that my client is in a very fragile mental state. I can't in good conscience let them go poking around in his brain." The opposing attorney says over Cece.

"What about that? Is it safe?" The judge asks and I stand up next to Cece, smoothing out my tie before speaking.

"The test is non-invasive and completely safe. He'll simply be looking at images on a computer screen, while an EEG monitors his brain activity."

"Subject him to graphic imagery to prompt some kind of reaction, which they can then point to as evidence of guilt? It's perverse. I object to even-" the opposing attorney says before being cut off by matloff.

"I want to do it." Brian Matloff says and the whole room turns to look at him in shock. I school my face to not let my shock show but I am more surprised than anything that he would want to do something like this. This could prove him guilty but it could also prove him to be completely innocent.

"Uhh.. just one moment your honor..." the opposing attorney says shakily before bending down to Matloff, whispering in his ear. Matloff shakes him off and stands before the judge opening his mouth to speak.

"Your honor...ahem...every day I wake into this nightmare of not knowing who or what I am and if this test can really help me remember. Whatever the consequences may be, I have to." He says and everyone is still looking at him in shock. It's silent for a moment before anyone even tries to speak and the judge is the one to break the silence.

"Fine, I am ordering the defendant to undergo the brain fingerprinting scan as long as its safe. Court is adjourned until tomorrow, the defendant will remain in custody until the scan and at which time he will be transferred into the custody of the bureau. When the test is complete Mr. Matloff will return to his cell." The judge says banging his gavel and everyone moves to stand up. I turn to Cece giving her a smile letting her know I would see her tomorrow, I walk past her and outside the courthouse opening my phone and dialing the office.

"Deputy Chief Ryleigh Andrews"

"Ryleigh its Agent Hotchner, they ordered the brain fingerprinting for tomorrow, so send everyone home for the night and we will all meet back up at the office tomorrow. I would like you there with me for the scan if you don't mind and don't have too much on your plate?" I ask hopeful that she would accept.

"Well Agent Hotchner,  I suppose for you I can make an exception, but you'll have to call your team to let them know about leaving. I'm about to go into a meeting with my old director. Apparently they're having some territorial issues to work out with the new section chief and need my opinion. What time are you requesting my presence?" She says snickering

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