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The entire drive to Dave's, my mind kept wandering to how different things could have been and how I could have married Ryleigh instead of Haley and I knew it was wrong to be thinking that way but my marriage was dead and I could only focus on the past. I'm not sure how I got to Dave's but eventually I pulled into his winding driveway and shut the car off, leaving the paperwork in the car for me to work on later. Walking up to the door I raise my hand to knock when the door swings open and Dave motions me inside, closing the heavy wooden door behind me.

"You look like hell Aaron, is it a scotch or wine night?" Dave says walking towards the kitchen and I lean on the island, with my head in my hands.

"Scotch..I suppose the harder the better.." I say taking the glass out of his hand when he pours the amber liquid inside.

"Relax..whats going on with you lately? Ever since Ryleigh has shown up, you've been a mess and unfocused. The only time I've seen you focused is when she wasn't in the office or around you..does she make you nervous? Do you want something to eat? I made some chicken last night I can heat up for you?" Dave pries, trying to get me to open up and break down my high walls. I shake my head and walk towards the living room to sit down.

"Not that it's nervousness but it's more of a guilt kind of feeling.. Dave I cheated on her when we were 18 and when we talked about it, the only thing she said to me was that it happened and that it was water under the bridge. And that's not the only thing...Haley filed for divorce and I have a feeling that she's been seeing someone else on the side, I don't know for how long but there's just been so many signs and it just makes me feel guilty because 1, I now understand and know how Ryleigh felt when I wouldn't call her back or come down to see her and 2, because I'm married to Haley and I spend more time at the office than I do at home. How does that look?" I say glancing over towards the window in the kitchen before looking back to Dave. It almost feels like being scolded the way hes looking at me. I couldn't stop thinking about Ryleigh and I knew I shouldn't be but when someone walks into your life again it's almost like the universe is telling you that this is your second chance.

"I'll admit Aaron, it doesn't look good, but you have to also understand that Haley was asking you to give up the one thing you loved the most for a desk job that you would have hated, not only that but I believe and take this from the man with not one but three ex wives, that maybe you guys were just reaching the end of your rope. Tell me, when you think of Ryleigh, the person not your boss, what's the first thing that comes to mind?" Dave asks swirling the scotch in his glass.

"I don't know Dave, I wish I did, but I don't. I still care for her, of course I do and I always will but I don't think it'll ever amount to anything..besides her family actually hates me for what I put her through and I don't think they'll ever let me back into their lives because of it." I said sighing and leaning back in the leather armchair in the living room. Dave looks at me and I duck my head, avoiding his eyeline.

"Thanks for the drink Dave but I think I'd better go, I'll see you tomorrow.." I say grabbing my glass and walking to the kitchen to dump the rest of the liquid down the drain before walking towards the door. Dave grabs my arm softly before I cross the threshold of the doorway and I look back at him curiously.

"We don't always get a second chance in life, I say take the plunge, see where it goes." Dave says smiling and he lets go of my arm allowing me to leave. I walk down to the car and slide in, running my hands down my face. I pull the keys out of my pocket and start the engine letting it warm up for a moment before driving off. When I get back to my house, the first thing I notice is the absence of light inside and outside the house, not even the porch light is on. I unlock the front door and flick the light switch for the living room and that's when I notice the lack of personal items in the space.

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