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The next morning I awake to the sunlight harshly shining into my room & curse myself for not digging my curtains out last night. I roll over grabbing my watch from the table to see what time it is & relax when I see that it's only 8:45am. I swing my legs off the side of the bed, swaying a little bit when I stand up trying to get my balance back, I walk into the bathroom and lean into the shower turning the knobs to the perfect temperature I strip the pajamas I had changed into last night and throw them into the corner of the bathroom. Just as I'm about to step into the shower I hear my phone ringing in my room, grabbing my towel I wrap it around my chest & walk back towards the blaring ringtone.

"SSA Andrews speaking"

"Good morning Ryleigh, it's Chief Strauss. Just wanted to let you know that you can come in whenever today. The team is flying back from a case today and I can call and tell them to come upstairs instead of just going back home. I'm sure you want to meet your new team." She says way too cheerful for this early hour.

"Of course, I was just about to get in the shower. I should be there in about an hour or so. I'll see you then!" I say hanging the phone up and walking back to the bathroom to start and finish my shower.

AARON POV ( Very brief, mostly to show Aaron's conversation with Strauss and the team on the jet. )

As we boarded the jet after 2 weeks in the middle of nowhere Montana, my phone rings in my coat pocket. Digging it out, I answer without even looking at the caller ID


"Agent Hotchner it's Chief Strauss" I mentally groan and roll my eyes which catches the attention of Derek & Emily.

"What can i do for you Chief Strauss?"

"I wanted to first say well done on your case, the chief of police just called and spoke highly of you and your team."

"Thank you ma'am" I said settling into my seat on the jet pulling out the paperwork for the case to get a head start.

"I also wanted to let you know that I need to see you and your team in the office upon your return later today. There was a position that was opened and filled, it's above you but under me. I cannot keep my eyes on your team all the time so the director created an opening solely for them to focus on your team and whatever you may need approved or pushed through. They arrived last night and I'm having them come in today to show them around." She says calmly leaving me shocked.

"I..uh..yeah okay I'll let the team know. Thank you ma'am. We are getting ready for takeoff right now so we should be back in about 5 hours or so."

"That's fine agent Hotchner. I know it's not ideal but I think you and your team will get along well, she's a highly respected agent and was a unit chief before I recruited her. I'll see you soon." She says before hanging up and I pull the phone away staring at the blank screen.

"Hotch, you good man?" Derek says giving me a look.

"Yeah. That was Strauss, she's asking for us to come back upstairs when we get back to HQ. Apparently the director opened a position above me but under Strauss that is solely focused on just the BAU since Strauss isn't always available to push things through because of the other divisions. Apparently she arrived last night & we are meeting her today." I say looking at the members of the team. Nobody knew what to say exactly, knowing that I didn't have a say in the matter.

"Well, what did Strauss say about them?" Emily asks from behind me.

"Just that she was a highly respected agent and was a unit chief before recruiting her." I reply looking down at the files. The team breaks off into their own little discussion and the jet roars to life, speeding down the runway and climbing into the sky.

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