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The next morning I woke up to my phone ringing and I huff before reaching over to grab it off the table, almost falling out of bed in the process.

"Deputy Andrews" I say groggily

"It's Hotchner, you're gonna wanna get to the courthouse asap, there's been a huge break in the case and I think you're gonna wanna see this. Do you want me to send someone or are you going to take the bus?" He says quickly

"Neither..I'll be there in 20. Wait for me outside so we can walk in together and you can catch me up" I say hanging up and launching myself out of bed. I quickly tie my hair into a tight ponytail and slip on a gray power suit with a blue shirt underneath opting to wear a pair of black loafers instead of heels. I grab my bags and yell to my brothers who spent the night that I'm leaving and grab my car keys off the counter before running out the door. Pulling the bow off and stuffing it in the garbage can, I slide into the driver's seat throwing my bags in the back before starting the car and hearing it rumble. The grin that breaks out on my face is one that has not been seen in years and I fix the mirrors, throwing my sunglasses on before backing out of the driveway and roaring down the road onto the highway.

Pulling up to the courthouse I see Aaron standing there with his briefcase in hand looking down at his watch before whipping his head up at the sound of my car as I pull into one of the empty spaces in the lot. I wish I had a camera to capture the look on his face because it's one of absolute shock and I grin widely before stepping out of the car, locking it behind me and walking up to him.

"Well well well Deputy Ryleigh E Andrews, nice ride" he says looking at me chuckling softly.

"Thank you SSA Aaron Hotchner, it was a gift. From Evan, Don, mom and her husband. Bit of a surprise for me when I found out. But what's this about a new development you dragged me out of bed for this morning." I say grinning as we walk inside the courthouse and down the hallways before stopping at the door to the courtroom.

"We finally found our mystery lady." He says and pulls the door open for me and I walk off to the side sitting down next to Dr. Reid.

"Fancy seeing you Dr. Reid." I say smiling

"You can call me Spencer you know? No need to be 'prim and proper' like you said." Spencer says grinning, recalling our conversation from a few days before. I nod my head and shift in my seat to get comfortable until the trial starts again.

AARON POV( back to the trial folks!)

The bailiff moves to the front of the room and I sit up in my seat looking over at Cece who nods and the corners of her lips turn up in a smile.
"All rise for the honorable judge Clarke. Court is now in session." The bailiff says as the judge walks back in and sits in his seat motioning for everyone to sit back down.

"Ms. Hillenbrand,  lets start with you, call your first witness."

"We call Ms. Moore to the stand." And Cece stands up with Nina walking towards the witness box to get sworn in. After a moment I look up at Cece and nod so that she can start questioning her.

"Please state your name for the jury ma'am." Cece says calmly

"My name is Nina Moore.." she says quietly

"And what is your relationship to the defendant?" Cece asks pacing back and forth slowly

"I'm his birth mother.."

"His biological mother.." Cece clarifies for the jury

"I gave him up for adoption when he was a baby.." Nina says softly looking over towards Cece

"And that was how long ago?"

"37 years.." Nina says, the hurt in her voice noticeable. I glance over at Matloff to see his reactions but he gives nothing away instead facing Nina and Cece near the front of the courtroom.

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