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okay listen I know I said I wasn't going to post another chapter until I came back but I'm so far ahead with typing that I figured I would spoil you some more. Secondly I AM SORRY IF THE SPANISH TRANSLATIONS ARE NOT 100% ACCURATE! I really tried my best with this one. I'm half Puerto Rican and can understand more Spanish than I can speak. I refused to use google translate unless I absolutely needed to so most of it was my own knowledge and a Spanish to English dictionary. don't be too harsh on me cause I really fucking tried okay, if it's wrong, just comment and let me know what the accurate words would be and I'll change them.

Hope you remember Ryleigh's team from New York because we are getting to hang with them again!


Time skip [sorry for the time skips but I can't think of anything interesting enough to fill in, so I'm just going to skip ahead and insert this wonderful case]

Coming into the building gave me an uneasy feeling and I had no clue why, stepping on to the elevator my phone buzzed in the pocket of my blazer. I dig around in my pocket before swiping it open blindly

"This is Deputy Chief Andrews.."

"Ryleigh its Hotch..can you come to the bullpen when you get a moment..there's an urgent case and I think we'll be needing your assistance in the field.."

"Sure thing..let me grab my go bag from the office and I'll come back down.." I state quickly and hang up the phone, shoving it back into my jacket pocket. After running out of the elevator and to the office, I unlock the door and drop off my files and open up the closet door, grabbing the black duffle bag that's on the floor before grabbing my other bag and locking the door behind me. Electing to take the stairs instead of the elevator I jog down the two flights of stairs before opening the back door to the bullpen. I spot Aaron in his office on the phone with someone and I look over at the cluster of desks noticing the lack of chatter, nobody is even here yet. I look back up and meet Aaron's gaze and he puts one finger up and I nod leaning back on the railing for the catwalk.

"Hey sorry about that..this case came right to me, I'm going to grab JJ and have her get the team in here asap. Why don't you meet us up in the conference room. I'll be there shortly." Aaron says quickly handing me a tan case file, I nod and turn to head up the steps into the conference room. I lean against the wall thumbing through the file and I glance down at the location and immediately feel a smile break out on my face when I see the office we're going to be working out of. Digging my cell out of my pocket I scroll through my contacts before selecting the one I'm looking for and hit dial and wait for it to go through.

"SSA Rameriez.."

"Well I'll be might actually get to see me sooner rather than later Hector.."

"Andi...damn is it good to hear your voice..especially with all this shit that's been happening and these damn pendejos going out and copying son of sam murder m.o.. I take it that you saw the case then?" Hector states

"Yeah..I did..don't worry..with your team and my new team I think we might just solve this case yet.. is Sam and everyone still there?" I ask glancing out the window overlooking the bullpen

"Yeah except Isabel left to be a stay at home mom.. she's got 3 little ones now but we got a new section chief.. they offered it to me but I said hell to the no.. so we got stuck with una británica que dirige el espectáculo ahora so you know how that's going. Makes me sick any time I have to work alongside her.."

[ A British bitch who runs the show now ]

Hector says angrily and I can picture the smoke coming out of his ears. I hear footsteps outside the door and elect to switch languages knowing that only Spence and Emily will understand what I'm saying, and the door opens and a few members from the team walk in.

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