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Upon returning to the office the next morning, Aaron, Kate and myself split up the teams as well as the officers and agents in the field to go to different locations for the day to do some counter surveillance of our own. I was standing in the center of Grand Central Station with Hector when Penelope's voice came through our earpieces.

"Okay people, talk to me. I need to make sure I've got eyes on all of you lovely friends. Mouseketeer roll call— 59th St?"

"Check" Emily replies

"Herald Square?"

"Check!" JJ's voice cracked through

"Chambers Street?"

"Check" Corbin replied

"72nd St?"

"Check" Sam said

"And finally our friends in Grand Central?"

"Check Penelope."

"Great, keep your eyes open. I've got eyes on all of you, I'll reach out if I find something on the cameras but reach out if you see something." She said confidently. Keeping our heads on a swivel, we walked through the terminals over and over again looking for anything suspicious or out of place.

"Garcia? Are you there?" Spencer questioned

"Talk boy wonder I'm here, what do you need?"

"Make sure you've got eyes on everyone, I know you already said it but something feels off to us at the office."

"I'll keep my eyes open boy genius." Penelope said cheerfully.

After a few moments of silence, the echo of a gunshot rang through our line and my hand flew to my sidearm immediately, I look over at Hector who was standing in the same stance as I am and I lift my wrist to my mouth.

"Garcia! What the hell was that?"

"Uh-uh 16th and Broadway, Emily and Cooper are the closest. We've got a female down and he's running east on 16th!" Garcia yells into the ear piece and we take off in a dead sprint to the car throwing ourselves into the seats before peeling out of the space with lights and sirens on, flying down Madison Ave before another shot rings out in our ears.

"GARCIA WHAT HAPPENED?!" I shout over the sirens

" COOPER! COOPER IS DOWN 16TH WEST OF UNION SQUARE, I'VE GOT AN OFFICER DOWN !" Emily shouts into the mic to relay over to Garcia.

"GOT IT! I GOT IT, THEY'RE ON THE WAY!" Penelope yells back

"Hector, conduce más rápido! Mierda! ¿Cómo se adelantaron a nosotros?" I say sternly as he pulls the car half into a spot leaving the lights and sirens on and we fly out of the car over to where Emily is watching the detective get loaded into the ambulance. [ Hector, fucking drive faster! Shit! How did they get ahead of us?]


"Emily! Are you okay? What happened?" I ask pulling her into a hug gently

"I-I don't know. One minute we were outside the subway station and the next Garcia is telling us that we were the closest agents to the shooting. Cooper was ahead of me but he didn't even get a chance to fire his weapon.." Emily cries looking back at the ambulance

"Prentiss, are you okay?" Aaron asks jogging over to us and she nods before looking back down the alley where the shooter was bleeding out

"I shouldn't have had to shoot him.." she says

"Emily, he shot a cop. You did what you had to do.." Derek said softly

"No, no, not that- I mean he was ahead of us by a good 500 feet. I shouldn't have HAD to shoot him. He could have disappeared and gotten away but he didn't. He stopped and waited..I don't understand." Emily stutters shaking her head and I put my arm around her shoulder for comfort

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