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"This chapter is based on the episode Tabula Rasa (3x19). It will be split between Ryleigh's POV and Aaron's POV since I don't want to inject Ryleigh 100% into a case right away. Most of the time it will be in Aaron's POV but during the down time 'flashbacks' and moments in between the trial it'll be Ryleigh. I'm trying to get the episode down to a T but I might not do the whole thing since it's going to be a split POV!

Tabula Rasa - [tab-yuh-luh -rah-suh] Latin origin: anything existing undisturbed in its original pure state// clean slate

The blaring sound of my alarm woke me up out of my nice 4 hours of sleep, after getting back home around midnight or so and getting up at 5:30 for work I can thoroughly say I need some coffee. After hopping in the shower and getting another power suit out of one of the still packed boxes, I slowly make my way downstairs to grab a granola bar out of the pantry and toss it into my purse. As I'm walking out the door my phone rings in the bottomless pit of my bag, fumbling around for the phone I grab it and answer it blindly not realizing it's my personal cell.

"Deputy Chief Andrews."

"Ryleigh honey?" My mom says and I pull my phone away from my ear and laugh at my early morning brain fog.

"Haha hi mom, sorry, I'm not used to the two phones situation yet. What's up?"

"It's okay sweetheart, your brother Evan said he's going to pick you up on Monday around 3 to take you to pick out a car..don't tell me you already forgot sweets?" She says laughing

"NOOOO I didn't forget, I just momentarily didn't remember." I say smirking and giggling.

"Sure sure. Anyway I just wanted to let you know so that you're not shocked when he shows up outside the building."

"Thanks mom! I gotta run, thank you for calling! I'll talk to you soon! Love you." I say smiling before hanging up the phone and throwing it into the bottom of my bag. I make my way down the street to the coffee shop to grab some before I get on the bus downtown. My work phone rings as I'm sitting down on the bus and I look down at the caller ID which doesn't help because I don't know any of the team's numbers.

"Deputy Chief Andrews." I say as I take a sip of my scalding hot coffee and burn my tongue in the process.

"It's JJ, I just wanted to let you know that we might have a case, Hotch is on the phone with someone right now and I'm going to be calling the team in if you wanted to sit in on our briefing today and I can print you off a copy of the case file when we get one." She says quickly.

"JJ, that's lovely, I'll be there soon. Going to drop my things off in my office so if you want to meet me up there I should be at the office in about 30 minutes or so."

"Not a problem Andi, I'll see you soon." She says hanging up after a minute. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the team gets called back in after such a short break but I guess i'll have to arrange for them to have a few days off after the case is over. The bus finally pulls up across the street from the building and I get off, slinging my purse and my briefcase over my shoulder. Pushing the heavy glass doors open, I swipe my card to get into the lobby and walk towards the elevator noticing the lack of people in the office. Elbowing the button I stand back and wait for the doors to open. The bell finally dings and the doors open and I walk inside, hitting the button for the 8th floor when I hear someone yell 'hold the doors'. I stick my arm out covering the door sensor and look up to see Dr. Reid awkwardly running into the elevator and I drop my arm allowing the doors to close fully. I hit the button for the 6th floor as well and stepped back, glancing over to him and smiling.
"Good morning Dr. Reid!" I say cheerfully as I sip on my coffee

"Uh.. morning.. I mean good morning..Deputy uh how was your night?" He asks nervously, shifting his weight from one leg to another.

"Dr. Reid, there's no reason to be nervous, I know that not everyone gets along with Strauss but I am nothing like her. Trust me. Political agendas are NOT in my wheelhouse and I hate the whole 'prim and proper' deal so just Ryleigh is fine. And if you're uncomfortable with that you can call me Andi okay?" I say laughing softly. He scrunches his nose and smiles nodding his head. The elevator opens on the 6th floor and he half waves and runs out quickly and I laugh to myself. He's such an awkward boy and reminds me of Donovan. The elevator stops on the 8th floor and I step out, digging around in my bag for my keys, I look up after pulling them out and I see JJ standing outside my door. I smile and she steps to the side allowing me to unlock the door.
"What do we have?"

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