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"Spence, how's the geo profile coming?" I ask, plopping myself in one of the office chairs around the crowded conference room. With two teams and two detectives it was beginning to feel a little stuffy inside.

"I need to pull records from the past 6 months for any sort of arrests involving gun violence or gun possession in every borough EXCEPT where the shootings have taken place.." Spence says turning to face us

"Uh...I don't get it.." Detective Cooper stutters clearly confused at what Spencer is talking about and i snicker before laying my head on the table.

"Let Spence explain, this is his expertise anyway.." I say, my voice muffled by my arms

"He uh he won't strike near where he lives.."

"What makes you so sure? He could be choosing them randomly?" The detective questions, making Emily and the others chuckle.

"This is why the BAU gets called in Coop, we're profilers, we get paid to do this kinda thing dude. Spence, can I borrow that marker? I need to write something down before I forget." I ask batting my eyelashes innocently and he throws the marker in my direction laughing softly before turning back to the detective

"This guy is organized, he knows better than to strike in his own area near his home, he wouldn't risk anything tracing back to him which is why if we look outside the comfort zone, we'll find him." Spencer states matter-of-factly

"The only downside, detective, is that every other neighborhood in the city is at risk.." Emily says sadly.

"Guys, there's been another shooting. Morgan; Cooper; Brustin; you're coming with Kate and I to the scene, the rest of you keep working on a profile. We'll be back in two hours tops." Aaron says racing out of the conference room leaving the rest of us frustrated beyond belief. Around 45 minutes later my phone rings on the table and I pick it up, glancing down at the screen before accepting the call.

"Deputy Chief Andrews"

"Care to explain why I'm catching heat from Joyner and Hotch? Ryleigh what the hell is going on?" Derek challenges, clearly frustrated by the situation unfolding at the scene and I stand up moving to walk somewhere quieter.

"Derek, first of all, mind your tone. I'm still your boss after all. Secondly, all I can say is that if Joyner doesn't solve this case she's supposed to get booted out and reassigned. And guess who they selected to replace her? You Derek Morgan, I know you probably don't want it but that's what's slated to happen if the case doesn't get solved. Just do your best work and let me worry about the political situation okay?" I said softly, trying to calm him down.

"Yeah, shit I'm sorry Ryleigh I'm just annoyed that she's throwing her attitude around and Hotch is doing nothing to defend me on it. Thank you for having our backs though. Despite what anyone might say, it's good that you're with us now. I'll see you in awhile, we're on our way back soon." Derek says chuckling before hanging up the phone and I walk back into the conference room to meet with the rest of the group.

"Where are we on a working profile? What do we have as far as bare bones goes because I'm sure that when they return, it's gonna be time for a profile." I state shifting my weight from one leg to the other.

"Well this guy thrives on the fact that he's practically a ghost, he's been able to kill without being caught on camera several times and leaves behind no evidence and no witnesses." Spencer says writing on the whiteboard

"He's not looking for media attention or he would have tried to contact us already right?" JJ asks pulling her jacket off and laying it over the back of the chair

"He has no problem taking risks, these kills have been midday in the middle of a city that's densely populated." Rossi says twisting the ring on his finger absentmindedly. After another half hour of throwing theories back and forth the doors open and Aaron comes in throwing an evidence bag on the table, reaching forward, I grab the bag with my fingers and examine it closely, my nose scrunching up in confusion when I realize what's inside.

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