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THIRD PERSON POV(mostly so I can get everyones reactions to this without having to switch back and forth between multiple POV's. The less the better)

"Hi Aaron." Ryleigh says, smiling and walking towards Hotch, opening her arms to hug him.
"Hi..uh? Congratulations, welcome to the team. Please call me Hotch or Agent Hotchner while we're working." Hotch says, returning the hug whispering in her ear. "We'll talk later yeah?" Ryleigh nods stepping back.

"Well don't worry I'm not going to bite, not unless you're into that sorta thing & in that case I bite hard. I'm Ryleigh! Please don't call me ma'am, miss, or Deputy. It makes me feel old and I'm only 32, Ry; Ryleigh; Ryles & Andi are the ones I used to use with my old squad. And do not, absolutely DO NOT call me Ellie." Ryleigh says glancing at the band of profilers around Aaron before settling on a familiar face. " I remember you, I didn't get your name but you were there in 1989 with Another agent to get my paperwork for a serial we had." Ryleigh says pointing at the dark skinned man behind Penelope.
"SSA Derek Morgan" Derek says, extending his arm to shake Ryleigh's hand.

"Hi, I'm Emily Prentiss, it's nice to meet you!" Emily says shaking Ryleighs hand.

"Special Agent Jennifer Jareau, JJ if you'd like. I'm the media liaison between these guys and the press." JJ says offering a smile and her hand.

"I-I'm Dr. Spencer Reid." Ryleigh's eyebrow quirks after he says Dr.

"Dr..hun you look about 20 years old?" Ryleigh says confused.

"I have 3 phds, an eidetic memory & can read 20,000 words per minute. And I'm actually 25. I graduated high school at 12 & went to cal tech and MIT." Spencer rambles quickly.

"Huh..okay well nice to meet you anyway. I noticed you're the only one besides Penelope who didn't extend their hand to shake mine. Is it a germ thing or something else?" Ryleigh says making the group laugh & Spencer flush deep red. "I'm just teasing kid, don't worry. Your Brain is wicked cool, I'm very laid back even in a professional setting. Too serious and you'll turn out like Aar over here.." everyone snickers and Hotch rolls his eyes.

"SSA David Rossi, I would love to pick your brain about how you know 'Aar' over here. It's very nice to meet you piccolo." Rossi says kissing Ryleigh's hand. Ryleigh laughs nodding and letting her hand drop to her side before shoving her hands in her pockets.

"Well it's been lovely to meet you all. Seriously, you need anything, I'm up on the 8th floor at the end of the left side of the hallway. Penelope I trust you'll be able to dispense my work number amongst them?" Penelope nods quickly and Ryleigh turns walking towards the elevator and heading inside pressing the button for the 8th floor, letting the doors shut.

"So...Penelope..." Derek starts and JJ, Emily & Spencer nod in agreement.
"No. No I am not doing a search on our new Deputy Chief just because she has history with our fearless leader. Go ask her if you really want to know." Penelope says shaking her head. She knew that if it was anyone else she would but she already liked their new Chief and didn't want to give her the wrong impression.
"Alright fine. I'll go up and ask how about that?" Emily says shrugging her shoulders. The 4 others nod in agreement and Emily starts to walk away before Hotch's voice carries into the bullpen.

Aaron POV

"So...wanna explain that one Aar?" Dave says snickering. I shake my head before turning to head up to my office.

"Complete your reports & then get out of here. Nobody is expected back until Wednesday morning unless we have a case. Garcia please make sure everyone gets Ryleigh's number and then head out for the night." I say before closing the door to my office and sinking into my chair letting my head roll back. Sighing I bring my hand up to my face pinching the bridge of my nose in either annoyance or sadness, I'm not sure which one yet. What are the odds that Ellie is the one that is now my boss. I think to myself. The sound of the door opening pulls me from my thoughts and I glance up seeing Dave come in and sit down In the leather chair in front of me. He gives me that look of start explaining right now or so help me and I sigh rubbing my temples.

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