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This chapter starts out with the debrief between Strauss and Ryleigh and then proceeds normally as canon, I will put an asterisk where it goes back to the present with the questioning. Grab some tissues because you might need them.)


"Start from the beginning, don't leave any details out, and remember that everything you say will be on record. This is Section Chief Erin Strauss conducting debriefing and excessive force assessments with the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit Alpha Team. Please state your name and rank for the record." Strauss begins, pacing slowly back and forth behind the large conference table and chairs as I breathe deeply, trying to push down my anger and emotion.

"My name is Ryleigh Elenor Andrews, I am the Deputy Chief for the BAU's Alpha team and I report to Section Chief Erin Strauss. The um-the day started out as normal as it could get. Aaron, ah Agent Hotchner and I had met up for breakfast that morning and we were interrupted by a phone call from Agent Jareau who mentioned quickly that she might have a lead regarding The Reaper aka George Foyet--"


"You know, I don't think I've seen you smile this much in a while Aaron. It's nice to just relax and catch our breath before you're inevitably called out on a case." I remark, watching as Aaron grabs the mug full of coffee that looks miniscule in his large hands and gulps his scalding coffee down.

"With everything going on, it's hard to focus on the good things I have in my life. I like having these early morning breakfast dates, it reminds me of high school all over again." Aaron replies, getting a dreamy look in his eyes momentarily before it's broken by the sound of his cell phone ringing. He looks up with a grimace and swipes his phone off the table, answering it blindly.

"Hotchner--what--yeah she's here with me--wha-we'll be right there!" Aaron murmurs quietly as I listen to his side of the conversation and sulk at the idea of them going on a case. He hangs up and quickly pulls out his wallet, throwing two twenties on the table and grabbing my arm as we stumble out the door.

"Ow Aaron, what the hell?!" I yelp as he practically runs over to the car and slides in.

"JJ has a lead on Foyet." Aaron replies quickly and I feel my stomach drop as if I had just gone down a roller coaster.

"Drive." I answer loudly, causing him to start the car and peel out of the parking lot and towards the office.

The elevator doors open on the 6th floor and the two of us sprint down the hall and into the BAU bullpen, spotting JJ immediately, we both head her way as she meets us in the middle.

"Jay, what do you have?" I question, panting slightly from our sprint.

"It came to me when I was in the pharmacy this morning with Will and Henry. They couldn't fill one of his prescriptions because they were out of it but--"

"JJ is there a point to this?" Aaron barks and I whack him gently with the back of my arm.

"Yes, the pharmacist said that crushing up an over the counter medicine would work exactly the same as the prescription. We've been looking at it all wrong. Instead of tracking the medicines that Foyet uses in total, we should be tracking the ones that can't be substituted.." JJ explains quickly, glancing back and forth between the two of us as Anderson comes running over to us.

"Agent Jareau, I just got a call from the postmaster general inspector's office. Here's the information you asked for before." He says, holding out the paper for her to grab.

"Is Pen in yet?" I ask, backing away from them to head down the hall to her office.

"I believe so, I saw her and Kevin come in when I got here." JJ replied as we all jogged quickly down the hallway. I knock once before opening her door, startling the both of them.

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