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Time skip 5 years later:

"Chief Andrews, I need your signature on this form to bring another agent on board for our team. With Isabel going on maternity leave in a few months i need to be able to have another agent here until she comes back." Hector says handing me a few forms to fill out.
"Of course, i'll pull some files and get them to you later today, see if i can find any agents that would be a good fit, how long is Isabel going to be out?" I ask, glancing down at the papers he handed me.
"I believe just for 4 months but i can double check and email you back later when i ask her. I'm about to brief the team on our newest case and then we head out tonight. It's a semi local case, out on Long Island. 4 dead and another missing, local pd is stumped and they need our help." He says quickly. I hum in content and smile, nodding in agreement.
"I would say they would need your help, keep me updated and I'll work on getting you an agent. You're doing a great job Hector, even after 5 years you amaze me and I don't regret my decision at all." I say smiling and I curl a finger beckoning him closer, planting a kiss on his soft lips.
"Sabes que tengo una botella de vino que lleva nuestro nombre, ¿qué dices cariño?" he says once we part, breathless from our kiss. [you know, I have a bottle of wine with our name on it. What do you say, honey?]
"yo diría que parece una gran idea, abeja." I say chuckling before returning to my paperwork. [I'd say it sounds like a great idea honeybee] He leaves after a moment and I lean back in my chair, swiveling to look out the window. I get lost in thought when the phone rings breaking my train of thought.
"This is Section Chief Ryleigh Andrews." I say smiling at the title
"Chief Andrews, this is Section Chief Erin Strauss out of headquarters, how are you?"
"I'm well ma'am thank you, what can i do for you today?" I ask thumbing through some files on my desk, signing off on the important ones and tossing aside the ones to read through later on.
"I have a position I believe you may be interested in. There's an opening above a normal Unit Chief but under Section Chief, there's a particular team that needs a strong leader and I can't always keep my eye on them. You would mostly be staying in office but can travel with them if you see you need to. Is that something you would be interested in?" She says and my jaw drops in shock. My brain freezes and I can't form a coherent sentence.
"'s quite the offer ma'am...when do you need an answer by?" I ask running a hand through my hair a few times.
"No rush, I have already spoken to your director and they have someone lined up to fill in your post if you chose to take this position, so there's no need to worry about trying to find someone to replace you if that's what you were worried about."
"When would I need to be in Virginia ? I need to pack up my apartment and get a new place down there and get a car and-" i say quickly before she cuts me off from my rambling.
"Don't worry.. we can arrange your stuff to be delivered down here and we can set you up in house. The car you would be responsible for but everything else would be covered since we would be relocating you. So what do you say Chief Andrews?" She asks
"I think...i'll take it... I think it's about time I get closer to home anyway, haven't been back to Virginia since the academy and that was in 1986." I say laughing at the thought of finally going home.
"Great, I would suggest finalizing any affairs you have going on up there before you come down such as paperwork that needs your signature and packing up your apartment. I'll arrange for your house to be ready by Friday night and the moving company will be up there by Friday morning to pick up your stuff. I want to meet up with you on Saturday if that's alright with you, i can introduce you to the team you'll be supervising and show you around the office." She says and I can hear the smile through the phone.
"Sounds like a plan, and thank you again for this opportunity ma'am I'm truly honored and i cannot wait to be working with you!" I respond smiling widely before hanging up. I stand up walking over to the window in my office taking in the view for the last time. By this time Friday I'll be making my way down to Virginia again and the thought of being home gives me butterflies. I turn back to my desk emptying everything out into boxes before calling my mom and brother to tell them the good news.

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