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Ryleigh POV

When we left the building, Hector gave me the key to his apartment and told me to start heading over and that he would run back upstairs to grab my things as well as his own backpack. It would give me some time to calm down and think about everything that happened today. Being in the city working with Hector brought back a lot of emotions and unresolved feelings, but being around Aaron also did the same thing but my trust with him was broken and he needed to earn that back, whereas Hector and I never got a chance to see how things would work out. By the time I reached Hector's apartment I had sorted through some of my thoughts about everything, I still really liked Hector and I was feeling significantly more calm about my explosion in the bullpen. Did I feel a little guilty about my outburst? Maybe, but when Aaron is acting like an absolute ass by deciding to dismiss Derek's ideas and side with Kate well, lets just say it wasn't going to end well. I feel hands running up and down my arms and I turn around seeing Hector standing behind me trying to comfort me and calm me down. I didn't even realize he had gotten back from the office.

"Chica que estas temblando, necesito que respires conmigo bien?" He murmurs softly, placing my hand over his heart to feel the rhythmic beating, I inhale deeply and exhale after a couple seconds, repeating the process over and over until my body finally relaxes. I look up at him with tear filled eyes, the exhaustion of today finally crashing into me. [ Babygirl you're shaking, I need you to breathe with me okay?]

"Lo siento mucho, no quería ponerte todo esto.. me perdonas?" I cry gripping his t-shirt tighter in my hand trying to ground myself. [ I'm so sorry, I didn't want to put all this on you forgive me?]

"Amor, no hay nada por lo que lamentar. Me importa mucho y haría cualquier cosa por usted. Descansemos un poco vale? Empieza fresco en un par de horas.." he says quietly pulling me towards the bedroom, and I follow blindly, letting him lead me away. [ Love, there's nothing to be sorry for. I care a lot and I'd do anything for you. Let's get some rest, okay? We start fresh in the morning.] After pulling back the covers and bundling myself underneath, an arm wraps around my waist and pulls me closer. Tilting my head back a little bit so he would be able to hear me, I put my hand over his in a comforting gesture.

"Gracias por todo, cuando se resuelva, creo que deberíamos hablar, pero por ahora necesito dormir.." I murmur, my eyes drifting closed and I feel a light kiss to the top of my head, and for the first time in a while, I sleep soundly without waking up in the middle of the night. [ Thank you for everything, when it's resolved, I think we should talk, but for now I need to sleep.]




The next morning, I'm awoken by the smell of coffee and the normal sounds of the city traffic. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and stumble to the bathroom grabbing a change of clothes on the way in. After slipping out of my oversized shirt, I change into a 2 piece gray power suit with a red shirt, my cell phone blaring from the other room startles me and I fling the door open to grab it.

"Deputy Chief Andrews"

"It's Dave, are you guys coming for the briefing? It starts in 20 minutes?" Rossi questions

"Yeah, uh we'll be there soon, it's only a 10 minute walk to the office." I reply tugging my shoes on, looking up I snap at Hector and point to the time and he nods running off to get changed.

"10 minute walk huh? And where did you stay last night Miss Andrews?" Dave teased

"With a friend, you know, the kinds of friends that don't dismiss my ideas.. we'll be there soon" I say ending the call and grabbing my things. Standing up from where I was sitting, I reach over and plant a small kiss on Hector's lips transferring the red stain I had on my lips onto his, giggling at the sight, I use my finger to wipe it away before turning to leave the apartment.

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