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(A couple weeks later after JJ returns from maternity leave.)

Looking down at my watch again as I wait for the elevator doors to open, I'm not even all that surprised that it's past eight already. The doors open and I stroll through the hallway and pull upon the glass door that separates the bullpen from the hallway. Glancing up, I notice Aaron still sitting in his office with the light on in front of his laptop with one of his rare smiles on his face. I smile and drop the files in my hand off at the desks for the team to review tomorrow before heading up to his office. Knocking gently, I push the door open and he looks up quickly, however his face relaxes when he realizes it's just me.

"Hey there, what are you still doing here?" I inquire, leaning on the edge of one of the chairs in front of his desk. He sighs and leans back in his chair, folding his hands behind his head.

"Did I ever tell you about Jack?" He asks curiously as I shake my head in denial. He flips the computer around and hits play and I watch in awe as an adorable kid learns how to ride a bike for the first time.

"Look, mom, look what I can do. I can do it myself! Hi Dad!" The child exclaims happily, as he gets farther away from the camera. Aaron stops the video and I glance back up at his smiling face.

"Ryleigh, meet Jack son." He replies and my mouth goes wide in shock at the thought of Aaron having a mini me.

"Wow, Aaron he's-he looks just like you, except for the hair." I whisper in awe. Looking back down at the screen, I miss the look of pure adoration on Aaron's face as he observes me replaying the video of his son. The phone on his desk rings and we both look up as I hit pause on the video for him to answer.

"Hotchner—Yes sir, what can I do for you—could you forward the details to Jennifer Jareau, our liaison—what's the reason for that sir—could you send the details about the case or the unsub—I can get on a plane in the next hour or so and be there by nightfall your time. But I will be bringing one member of my team with me for now. Her clearance is higher than mine so no need to worry there—thank you, yes. You as well." Aaron says, sighing as he hangs up the phone and throws his head back in his chair. I elect not to say anything at that moment, knowing he was talking about me going with him.

"How soon can you get a bag packed and be back here?" Aaron inquires, still not looking at me, instead focusing his gaze on the ceiling.

"Uh five minutes tops? Depending on how long the elevator takes.." I reply, remembering my go bag in the closet in my office. He looks over at me with a puzzled expression, knowing I live at least a half hour away and I laugh, shaking my head.

"I have two go bags in my office closet. One for warm weather and one for cold weather since we never really know where we are going until we brief, I figured by the time you realize you need me with you guys, there isn't enough time for me to run back home and swap my clothes. Might as well just keep two separate bags here. So which climate are we going to? Hot or cold?" I tease, jabbing him in the elbow as he stands and walks towards his own closet. He smirks and shakes his head playfully before pulling out his own go bag from the closet and turning back to face me.

"Dallas, Texas." He mentions and I grimace, closing my eyes in defeat.

"Fuck, of course it would be a hot climate." I retort, walking through the door to head back to my office as Aaron laughs, walking behind me to follow my path upstairs. Electing to take the stairs instead of the elevator, the two of us jog up the two flights of stairs and down the hall to where my office is located. Unlocking the door, I flick the light switch on and walk behind my desk, sliding the door to the side revealing several spare suits, a few button up shirts and two pairs of black heels on the floor next to two duffel bags, one white with a black band around the handle and an identical black one with a reverse color scheme. I grab the white one and swap my flats for a pair of heels and close the door to the closet. Grabbing my backpack off the floor, I toss my go bag over my shoulder and turn to meet Aaron's eye, silently asking if he was ready to go and he nods, stepping aside and gesturing for me to go first. I step through the doorframe and wait for him to come through before locking the door behind us.

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