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The one thing they don't tell you about bruised ribs is how uncomfortable it is sleeping, you can't lay on your side because it feels like your lungs are being constricted but if you lay on your back it's impossible to fall asleep and don't even get me started on sleeping on your stomach. After hours of tossing and turning, melatonin and sleepy-time tea, I elect to just start getting ready for the day. The downside about being in charge is that even if you're hurt, you still have to go in to complete the paperwork. Slowly making my way downstairs after taking what felt like forever to get dressed, I started the coffee pot and waited for it to brew while I browsed through my emails on my phone. I grab my black and blue travel mug out of the cabinet next to the fridge and pour the coffee in making sure to leave room for milk. I finish making my coffee and look down at my watch for the time, and grab my bag off the counter, shutting off the lights as I go through the house towards the front door. Carefully getting into the car, I breathe for a moment before turning the car on and heading down the driveway to the main road. My phone rings halfway through my drive to work and I grab it from the cup holder and put it on speaker as I continue to drive.

"This is Deputy Chief Ryleigh Andrews.."

"Well good morning to you sunshine. What are you doing up so early?" Aaron replies and I smile, feeling my heart rate speed up slightly at his morning voice.

"Well hello there, being the boss means even with bruised ribs and a couple of black and blues, I still have to go into the office to close out the case. What are you up to today?" I laugh, glancing in my mirror as I change lanes to get over to the exit I needed.

"Neighbor's dog, barking at something I'm sure and it woke me up. Figured I'd call and see what you had planned for the day. Do you need me to come in and help?" He asks genuinely.

"Nah it's okay, I had the team work on their own files on the jet last night on the way home with a bribe that if everyone turned in their paperwork by the time we landed, the team could have the day off and turn it into a three day weekend." I replied.

"Ah I see..well, do you think that maybe you could pencil me in for a lunch friends? Just to catch up I mean?" Aaron inquires, trying not to stumble over his words. Twenty something years and he's still stumbling over his words when it comes to me.

"Sure, but you're buying and supplying lunch. We can either go out somewhere or get something and bring it back here, it doesn't matter to me. Just call me when you get here later on." I laugh, smiling widely as I pull into my parking spot at the office.

"Yeah, that sounds great. I'll call you?" Aaron replies and I laugh, grabbing my bag and slowly making my way to the front door.

"Yes Aaron, I'll talk to you later! Goodbye!" I laugh, ending the call and tossing my phone into my bottomless pit of a bag to be dealt with later. Dropping my bag on the belt, I walk through the metal detectors and grab my bag on the other side, walking past the morning crew who wave as I stroll past them. Clipping my badge onto my jacket, I hit the button for the elevator and wait for the doors to open. After a moment or two the doors slide opens and I step in, leaning over to hit the button for the eighth floor before stepping back along the wall in case anyone else gets in. I watch as the lights for the first 7 floors illuminate as the elevator goes past those floors before slowing to a stop on the eighth floor and the doors open allowing me to exit the lift. Walking down the hallway, I walk past Strauss' office waving as she glances up and gives a half smile before looking back down at her desk. I dig around in my pocket for the keys to unlock my office door and insert the right key into the slot, turning the key along with the door handle before dumping the key ring back in my bag. Flicking the light on, I watch as the room glows with light from both the lamps in the room and the sunbeams illuminating the office through the window. Dropping my bag on the floor, I walk back to the door and stick my arm out, grabbing the stack of files in my inbox before turning back to the desk to begin closing out the last case. Mindlessly going through the motions of closing the case files, I zone out and the sound of someone knocking on my office door startles me and I laugh to myself before yelling 'come in' as I sign my name on the file in front of me. Looking up I'm thoroughly surprised to see Aaron standing in the doorway, holding a bag of takeout from my favorite restaurant. Smiling, I close the file and stand up to walk over to the small coffee table I had along the far side of the office.

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