♢ sick days ♢

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        When you were being created, God really had the audacity of making you prone to sickness. When the seasons changed, you sniffled, coughed, and sneezed your snot-nosed ass for a couple of days. Given, it wasn't that bad for you to skip school but it was for sure a pain to deal with. Because who doesn't love being able to breath through both nose holes?

It was a chilly autumn day in mid November, and you were currently having the time of your life. The time of your life as in going through three packs of hand tissues, and it's not even lunch time yet. You glance at the bare trees outside your classroom and instinctively shudder at the thought of walking back home in the cold weather after school.

Right now, you were having your second in-between class break. Seated comfortably in your seat, you calmly waited for your third period teacher to walk in and start the lesson. With approximately ten minutes before the teacher arrives, you decided to happily spend the rest of your free time on Tiktok. Lolling in your chair, earbuds in your ears, you giggled quietly to yourself as you listened to a frustrated individual rant about the mishaps in their lives.

"Man, how do these people have such interesting lives? The most interesting thing that's happened to me was when my bagel bite fell off my plate last night," you muttered to yourself, double-tapping before swiping to the next video. You were halfway through the second video when someone yanked an earbud out of your ear. Hissing in pain, you reeled back into your chair and looked up towards the attacker.

You looked at them straight in the eye.

Ah, who else would it be.

"Tsukki, what was that for?" you groaned, swiping back the dangling earbud from his hand. You were about to resume the video when he swiftly takes your phone out of your hands and turns it off. Resting his arm on your desk, he eyed you irritatingly. "What do you think you're doing at school? You're obviously sick," he said coolly. You scoffed at his words and outstretched your arm to snatch your phone back, but he holds it out of your reach. You mentally cursed your short stature when you stare at your precious phone high above your head.

Silently, he grabbed your hand and held it tightly in his big one. Flustered, you tugged your hand away from him and socked him in the arm. You place your hands on your warm cheeks to try and hide your flushed cheeks, he wasn't one to be clingy in front of others so that stunt truly threw you off guard.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Your hands are ice cold and your voice is all scratchy. Go home already you idiot."

"Daww, don't tell me that you care about my well-being? That is so sweet of you!"

"...No, I just don't wanna waste my time taking care of you if your cold gets worse."

Letting out an offended gasp, you glare straight into his golden orbs and place a hand on your heart. "I-I can't believe you would say that about me! I'm so hurt," you sniffle in mock hurt, pulling out a tissue from your pocket to blow your nose. It was to add to the act but you actually had to blow your nose, you hoped he didn't catch up on that. He let out a curt sigh and set your phone down on the desk, still keeping his hand over it.

"I didn't mean that, you know. Just go home. I'll keep you up to date on work too."

"How nice of you, but it's fine! I don't have anything after school and we're like halfway through the day. I'll eat, shower, and take my meds when I get home. Promise."

You smoothed your skirt down and nabbed your phone when his guard was down, shooing him off with your free hand. "Thank you Tsukki but if I'm not dying there's no need for me to skip. I appreciate the sentiment though, love you!" you cooed, eyes not leaving your screen as you patted his hand gently.

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