♢ bad day ♢

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Great, just great.

It felt like all the dumpster fires of 2020 was crammed into this one day of yours, and you couldn't seem to get a break from anything.

Let's recap your morning, shall we?

First of all, you woke up late and you didn't even have time for a proper breakfast. Your mom bought orange juice from the grocery store the night before and you were just dying to drink it, but boo hoo you were running late. Sadly, you had to resort to a banana and a slice of bread with spread to fill your stomach as you scrambled to get to school. You didn't want to ruin your perfect attendance just because of some measly reason.

Second, as you were speed walking to school, you stepped into a soggy pile of mud that went unnoticed by your eyes. You felt your right foot sink into the ground and a cold feeling surrounding your shoe. Grimacing, you pulled your foot out of the muck and flung it around to try and get some access mud off your shoe. It was a stupid idea that didn't register in your head properly as droplets of said mud made its way onto your legs and your parts of your uniform.

"How could I be so dumb? Like, all of my brain cells just suddenly decided to die and I pull some stupid shit like this," you cursed at your idiocy. You scraped your shoe against the pavement to wipe any hanging dirt off the sole and the sides but it didn't seem to help much, you shoe was still mostly brown. Sighing, you decided to clean your shoe when you got to school. Your break after the first class would be wasted cleaning your damn shoe, how lovely. You grumbled profanities under your breath while continuing your journey to school with a muddy shoe, leaving prints of your right shoe behind you.

Third, the teacher by the gate deemed you as late even though there were still two solid minutes on the clock. You frantically scrambled through the school entrance and bounded towards the building when the school monitor called for you to stop running. You halted to a stop and turned around slowly on your heels.

"What do you think you're doing? Can't you see that you're already late?"

Ah, you recognized that voice anywhere.

Man, I totally forgot that today is Nakamura-sensei's shift for monitoring late students. You ran a hand through your hair roughly, not caring that it's getting tousled. He was known for being a strict teacher when it came to attendance, and no one dared to defy him either. "Do you know what time it is?" he reprehended, tapping his watch pointedly.

"I still have time, if I run I could've made it-"

"Uh uh, don't think you're going to get away with fooling me. Detention for a week for belittling a figure of authority."

"Sorry sensei."

"Why're you still standing there? Get going!"

With that, you fled up the staircase and into the classroom, running so fast that you left your manners behind and flung open the classroom door violently. Your class looked away from the board and directed their attention on you, giving you confused looks at your distraught and bugged out form. "Ah um, sorry about that. I'll just go to my seat now," you pointed awkwardly to your seat and shuffled quietly to your chair.

Granted, these little dilemmas weren't life-threatening, but they sure as hell killed your mood little by little. If only I had some orange juice this morning, then nothing would've mattered, you thought. Yeah, you blamed your horrendous day all on the lack of that sugary, delectable beverage.

All this for orange juice.

Now, back to the present. You went through the day with minimal issues because you were too ashamed of yourself to do anything brash. Speaking of, you had a horrible time cleaning your shoe in the washroom earlier that morning. Took a few years off your lifespan but no biggie, you pretended that that never happened. Also, for some reason, you couldn't stomach seeing anyone like this after what happened. If and when they somehow found out, they would probably laugh at you for a few minutes and tuck it in the back of their head for future blackmail. But that wasn't the part that upset you. It's more the fact that all these incidents tired you out, wearing you down until you felt shriveled and decrepit. You didn't really feel like talking to anyone. So, you spent your lunch by yourself in the field and sped out of class and walked around the school during the break. All that effort because you didn't want to spread your negative vibes to your friends.

And because you were still scarred from the humiliating little incident this morning, that hit harder than a truck. But let's not talk about that.

It wasn't like you to be this moody, you were more of a laid-back person if you had to say for yourself. But if your gut was telling you "yo just disappear off the face of the Earth today thanks babe lol" out of the blue, it must've been for a reason. You weren't going to brush off that warning like it was nothing, maybe it was to save you from another mortifying act.

School had come to an end and all you had to do to wrap up your shitty day was to make it home without screwing up. Simple enough, your sneaking skills had ninjas quaking in their shoes. You waited for the teacher to dismiss the class, leg jiggling up and down fervently. You already had all your things in your bags, all you needed to do was rush out the door.

You watched your teacher set down the piece of chalk on the ledge,

turn to face the class,

close the textbook in their hands,

open their mouth...

"Alright, I can see that it's almost the end of class. Let's leave it at that for today and pick up the last bit of the lesson next class. Take care everyone!"

Not sparing any time, you launched out of your seat and made a beeline towards the door. You could practically hear victory music play in your ears as your near your paradise.

Until somebody grabs you from behind.

"What's got you in such a rush?"

"Oh Tsukki! Hey there pal I'm kinda busy at the moment let's talk later alright? Send a message to me or something, cool? Cool!"

"Nice try, idiot. You think I wouldn't notice your plan?"

"Plan? What plan?"

"Don't play dumb. You steered clear of everyone when you-"

"Yeah yeah I get it! After I burst into the class with muddy ass clothing and knotted hair and the most freaky face. I'm so stupid and crazy and I just feel...ugly. I said it all for you, you're welcome."

Tsukishima withdrew his hand that gripped onto your uniform, fortunately you did not try to use the opportunity to run away. "I wasn't going to say that," he started. He moved his hand from your uniform and placed it onto your head, patting it softly.

"I just wanted to check if you're okay, that's all."


"I know you're not in the mood for teasing, don't think much of it you loser."

You covered your mouth as you tittered at his attempt to hide his caring side with name calling, you found it quite adorable. Those few words were enough to show that he really cared about you, and it softened your heart. You reached out your hand and wrapped it around his, looking up at him with an eased smile.

"Let's go home now, I wanna get a snack at the store."

"Orange juice?"

"You betcha!"

As the two of you walked out of the school, you felt that uneasy feeling disappear.

Maybe that gut feeling wasn't warning you of something negative.

But it was the fluttery, jittery feeling of him showing that he cares.

A moment you wouldn't trade for the world, not even for orange juice.

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