♢ cards ♢

29 2 0

"Did you bring them today?"

"Yeah I did, calm your tits hoe."

Your friends instantly huddled together when you sat down at the lunch table, confusing Yamaguchi and Tsukishima. What did you bring that got everyone so intrigued? The boys took their seats around the table, Tsukishima to your left and Yamaguchi across the table next to one of your friends. You unzipped your bag and exuberantly pulled out a small rectangular box, dropping it onto the centre of the table. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi peered down at the object as your friends hooted and clapped erratically, they distinguished it to be a pack of cards. But not a regular deck of playing cards, it was a card game that the two boys have never seen. Yamaguchi broke his eye contact off the deck and thoughtfully looked at you, awaiting an explanation.

You deadpanned at Yamguchi's lost expression, you look only deepening when you noticed that Tsukishima was also somewhat baffled. "Really? You guys don't know what Uno is? What rock have you guys been living under?" you waved your hand accusingly, opening the box and shuffling the giant stack of cards two piles at a time. "No matter, we'll teach you while we play. Just don't cry when you do horribly," you distributed seven cards to each person sitting at the table then neatly placed the leftover cards in a tall pile in the middle. Everyone picked up their hand and you flipped over the first card from the stack, starting off the game.

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi hesitantly picked up their hand too, looking at the colourful cards in their hands that held no meaning in their heads. "Let me give you a quick run down of the game and the different cards," you tapped the card that was set face down on the table. "The starting card is a blue five. Yams, you can start and we'll go clockwise from there. Do you have a card that matches the number or colour?" You patiently waited as Yamaguchi looked down at his hand and nodded slowly, pulling out the card and setting it on top of the face up deck. The next friend played, then the other, until it was Tsukishima's turn. Tsukishima was about to place a card down but you put your hand out to stop him. "Sorry Tsukki, but (F/N) put down a skip card so it's technically my turn." The ends of his mouth turned downwards into a frown, making you inwardly snicker at his discouraged state.

Things were only going to get more spicy from here.

"Alright, I don't have a card with the same number or colour. But I do have a wild card. I change the colour back to blue." You placed down a card with a circle split into quarters, each with a colour of the possible playable cards. The game continued until eventually a plus four card was placed down by Yamaguchi. "Can I play this?" he asked timidly, to which you nodded avidly. The person going after him groaned at Yamaguchi's unintentionally evil play and slumped down onto the table in joking defeat. The group snickered and Yamaguchi immediately jumped into guilt mode, awaiting some form of explanation from anyone.

"That was a plus four card you just played, meaning the next person picks up four cards and their turn is skipped. It also acts as a wild card so you can change the colour."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry I didn't know-"

"No need to be sorry! Now, normally we allow people to challenge the plus four card but we'll leave it at that. Oh I forgot, there's also plus twos but those need to be matched with the colour. And reverse cards switch around the playing order. To make it easier for Yams and Tsukki, I'm making it so that we can't stack anything."

"Wait what? But-"

"Shut it (F/N1), you're just bad."

"Yeah (F/N1), but don't worry we won't judge you."

"Oooh, (F/N2), (F/N3) y'all are lucky you ain't sitting next to me. (F/N) let's create an alliance!"

"Nah, I'm good."

Your friends bickered back and forth until one of them got frustrated and testily said to continue the game.

Several full circles were made but backstabbing was happening almost every other move, causing no one to be close to even having one card.

Soon enough, Tsukishima made it down from two cards. But you weren't going to hand him victory so easily.

Haughtily, you dropped down a plus four onto the now bigger trash pile.

Tsukishima glared at you, "You had another card you could've played." You gasped sharply and held your hand tightly against your chest, "The audacity of this man! How dare you look at my cards!" Tsukishima scoffed and pulled on your cheek tightly, "Well, who was the one who held them in a perfect view for me to see?" You slapped his hand away and shuffled away from him, "Obviously not me! I'm very secretive when holding my cards. Stop peeking you cheater! And pick up your cards hoho~"

He didn't object, displeased that you had cut his opportunity of winning this game. His plans of gloating to your face were one step farther, and you knew it. Tsukishima's turn was then skipped and the next person played. As you were waiting for your turn, you felt him creep up by your ear. His close proximity caused your skin to tingle, wary of what he was going to do.

His voice was low and quiet, so you were the only person who heard it.

"Watch your back, I'll get you back. Maybe during game, maybe later today."

You shuddered and he chuckled deeply before moving away from you, resting his chin on his palm.

"Enjoy the rest of the game, (Name)."

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