♢ annoying ♢

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"Quit looking at me you weirdo!"

"Hey Tsukki, have you ever realized how stupid you look. All the time? Like so stupid I'm cringing."

"You're so funny."

"I know right! You wish you were as hilarious as me! Maybe that's why you fell in love with me, you admire my top tier humour, something that you don't have."


"Okay damn I'm sorry! Now let go of my cheek you hoe nnnngh-"

"Only if you stop being annoying, midget."


Tsukishima watched you rub your reddened cheek with a triumphant smirk, childish banter between the two of you was one of the few things he looked forward to daily. Of course, he wouldn't say anything that would actually hurt you. After being around you for so long he knew when it was acceptable to exchange insults and what was okay to say. Right now, the two of you were in the school library. Both you and Tsukishima needed a reference book to complete a report, which you guys went to go retrieve after you ate. After borrowing the books neither of you wanted to walk all the back to your usual lunch area so you decided to set camp at a table in the far back of the library, right by the Japanese literature books.

With their books set on the table in front of them, they both sat next to each other peacefully. Tsukishima had his headphones on and was casually reading a manga while you were looking through TikTok again, occasionally nudging Tsukishima in the arm to show him a funny video. After being interrupted every few seconds, he got fed up with you and shoved your phone into his pocket. Yes, he seized your phone straight out of your hands with ease. The audacity.

While you were trying to get your phone back from the boy, a student approached your table. She was petite, with two long brown braids that sat on her shoulders. She had big bulky glasses that made her face look even smaller than she already was. "Um, do you happen to know where this book is? I've been searching for a while now?" she awkwardly handed you a slip of paper that had the title scribbled on it. You took it out her hands and glanced at it, nodding immediately.

"You came to the right person! Here, let me take you to it."

"Thank you so much!"


You got out of your seat and gestured at the girl to follow you, taking off not far from the table. As you ran your hand down a row of books to find the right copy, Tsukishima remained at the table and watched you help the stranger. It was kind-hearted of you as always, one of the many things that he liked about you. He admired your benevolent character, he had to admit it is a stark difference to his behaviour.

"(Name), eh? I see you looking at her."

A student who was walking by noticed Tsukishima staring at you, so he sat himself down on your seat and teased the tall blond. The boy put his hands behind his head and stretched lazily, "You interested in her? I was in her class before and let me just tell you, move on. She's kinda annoying." Tsukishima looked at the boy with a confuzzled look, does he not know that you were already in a relationship with him?

Not to mention, he just called you annoying.

"You could go for someone so much better, bro. Like s-"

"Shut up."


"I told you to shut up, or are you too stupid to understand? I'm pretty sure you're the annoying one for butting into someone else's business."

"Hey I-"

"Never show your face in front of me or my girlfriend ever again."

"Y-your what? Oh my god I-"

Without letting him finish, Tsukishima picked up his and your belongings and walked towards you. You were finishing up your conversation with the girl when you turned around and saw Tsukishima patiently waiting behind you. You cocked your head, "Something up my guy?" He grunted and clasped onto your wrist, strongly pulling you towards the library doors, but not strong enough to hurt you.

"Yeah, there was just a bug by our table so I thought it was best to leave. Let's just go back to our classroom."

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