♢ bandaids ♢

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        Your history teacher had just assigned a big culminating project that was due in about one and a half weeks. Each student had to select a notable individual from the unit and write a report, with a quick visual to complement it. It wasn't too lengthy, but there was quite a bit to do. To provide everyone with a head start, and to prevent slacking students from having an excuse of not turning anything in, the teacher deemed the rest of the class a work period. With the researching, writing, editing, and decorating needed for this project, you were quick thankful that you could use this class time to get some of the rough work out of the way. A student from the back piped up, asking if they could sit with friends and or listen to music while they worked. The teacher sighed, agreeing to their demand. Cheers erupted from the class because of the teacher's leniency and the desks dispersed, the legs of desks and chairs making a scraping noise as they moved and shifted across the floor.

Instead of moving your desk over to Tsukishima, who was a few desks to the left of yours, you traded seats with a classmate instead. It saved you the time to move your things and your desk there and back, and it was much more efficient. You plopped down on the empty seat and readily rubbed your hands together. "Alright, I'll be taking your choices for the person you want to do in about five minutes. This will work as a first come first serve basis," your teacher announced once the classroom was much quieter. Humming thoughtfully, you looked at the assignment outline that the teacher distributed earlier.

"I think I already got someone in mind, they have a lot of content in the textbook so I don't have to search online or borrow any books. You want me to give the teacher your choice too?"

"Sure, I want the fifth one."

You happily bounced out of you chair and made your way to the teacher, patiently waiting behind the small line of three people that formed in front of the teacher's desk. Once the teacher started taking requests, you gave the teacher your desired person when it was your turn. You got right to work once you sat back down at your desk. First off, you written down all the things you needed to compile notes about. After, you drew a quick diagram to visualize how you wanted your visual aid to look. Once everything was in place, you started on the researching. It was the longest and most tedious part of the project, so you weren't going to spend any time dillydallying.

Flipping to the index of the textbook, you ran your finger down the page until you found the name of the person you were researching about. You flicked through the textbook until you reached the correct page, quickly scanning the paragraphs and images for any relevant information. As you were rapidly turning the pages, your hand grazed the edge of the page a little too roughly. You yelped out in surprise, reeling back from the book as you winced from the sudden pain. Tsukishima's head whipped up to look at you, wondering what happened to you.

You looked down at your hand, noticing that there was a paper cut right over the joint of your index finger. The cut was leaning towards the deeper side of a paper cut, you could discern a bit of blood seeping out from the open wound. "Damn, that's unfortunate," you murmured to yourself before shrugging it off and getting back to work. Other than the stinging feeling, you didn't worry about it much. You carried band-aids in your school bag but you could clean it and wrap it later, you didn't feel the need to walk to your bag anyway. As long as you didn't touch it, you weren't too bothered by it.

Tsukishima didn't seem to agree with your listlessness.

"You're not going to tend to it?"

"Hm? Oh, nah. It's just a paper cut, I can deal with it later."

"What am I going to do with you."

Tsukishima sighed, and opened up his pencil case. He unzipped a small pocket on the interior of his pencil case and pulled out a band-aid that was the right size for your injury. He grasped onto your hand and pulled it towards him, resting it flat out on his notebook. He unwrapped the band-aid from the paper packaging and stuck it over your cut, folding the edges around your finger tightly. "I don't have anything to disinfect it for now, I'll get you an alcohol wipe from the nurse's office once class is done," Tsukishima crumpled the packaging in his hand and stuffed it back into his pencil case. You watched him in awe as he calmly went back to jotting down notes onto his paper.

He felt that you were staring at him, "What?"

You rubbed your thumb affectionately over the bandaged up paper cut, heart melting into a puddle.

"Nothing nothing, just thinking about how cute you are when you worry about me."

Tsukishima tsked, "Shut up, idiot. Get back to work."

You giggled at his sharp response, his cold facade already back up to mask his embarrassment.

With a small smile donned on your face, you went back to work.

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