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A quick idea vomit :)

You knew you shouldn't have closed your eyes again after turning off your alarm. Even with a good night's rest, you were feeling particularly tired when you woke up so you decided to get a few more minutes of shuteye, convincing yourself that you would be able to get out of you cozy bed later. Obviously, you fell back into a peaceful slumber and slept comfortably for a good fifteen minutes before your mother barged into your room asking why you haven't come down to eat yet. Now fully awake, you sped through your morning routine in five minutes flat. Your breakfast was scarfed down with minimal chewing and you hurriedly skipped up the stairs to put on your uniform. You were like a tornado, bustling around the house to get ready in the minimal time you had left.

Though in that flurry, you forgot your most prized possession at home.

Your phone, which was sitting on the desk in your room.


After a rather long history lesson, the teacher had finally wrapper up the class and dismissed themselves from the room. "Mmnh, finally! Tiktok here I come," you cheered quietly to yourself, running your hand through your pockets to fish out your phone. When you didn't find it, you stuck your hand into your school bag thinking that you left it there but came out emptyhanded. Frantic, you looked through your bag again with wide eyes. At first thought, you thought that you lost your phone. The shock had registered and you felt yourself frozen in place. But after you caught yourself, you recalled your very rushed morning. It's probably at home, you thought glumly. Your main source of entertainment wasn't here with you, the news falling onto you like a pile of bricks. You could've sworn that life just got a little more duller within those few seconds, everything became ten times more bland without your phone in your possession.

You didn't remain sulky though, for a good idea popped into your mind. Getting up, you walked over to Tsukishima's desk and tapped his shoulder. He lifted up the right muff of his headphones so he could hear you, "What do you want now?" Mustering up your sweetest smile, you entwine your hands around his. "May I please please please play on your phone? I forgot mine at home today," you said kindly, giving him a pleading look. He stared at you for a few seconds, golden orbs unmoving from yours before emitting an annoyed sigh. He removed the plug from the headphone jack and handed you his cellular device, immediately turning away to look out the window with his head resting in his hand.

"Don't do anything stupid."

"Thank you! I won't."

With a brightened mood, you skipped back to your seat and inputted his password into the phone. It unlocked and you smiled childishly to yourself, "What should I do first?" As you were about to open Tiktok, the phone chimed and a notification banner showed up on the top of the screen. Subconsciously, you tapped on the notification and the phone automatically opened the corresponding app. You weren't meaning to open the ping, it was just out of reflex as it caught you by surprise. When the app loaded, you realized that it opened a reminder on the calendar widget of his phone. Go to the new bakery tomorrow after practice, the reminder said. You recalled talking to him about food a few days ago, a new bakery had opened up in the shopping district that you were dying to visit. You had seen flyers about their grand opening around the neighbourhood and you had to admit that some of the pastries looked amazing. You just had to spend your money on a few desserts.

Your heart warmed at the thought of Tsukishima going to buy you pastries after his volleyball practice because you were so passionately talking about it, this caring side of his never failing to make you feel fuzzy on the inside. You were about to close the calendar app until another event caught your eye. Tsukishima had marked the dates of your monthly cycle with special tags, with added reminders to help you during your weeks of pain. This was enough for you to melt into a puddle, you knew that Tsukishima had always cared for you but this was just plain adorable. Absolutely, completely, soul-stirringly sweet. Feeling bad for taking his device, you decided to return it as well as thank him for his dedication.

When you walked back to his desk, you placed his phone onto the table with a teary-eyed look. Tsukishima's gaze adjusted onto you, "Is there something wrong? Hey wait- What happened?" Bringing his head to your chest in a tight hug, you patted the back of his head affectionately. "I'm sorry Tsukki, I accidentally opened your calendar app but I saw the most sweetest thing. You're honestly the cutest, most amazing boy I know," you rambled on into his hair. Tsukishima grunted but returned the embrace, "Should've kept my phone from the start." You giggled, pulling away from him. "Say, how 'bout we visit the bakery together? I'll wait for you after practice," you offered, you'd rather visit the bakery together anyway.

Tsukishima clicked his tongue, "No, you shouldn't be going out so late. I don't want you waiting that long for me either." You tapped you chin in thought, "Then, how about we go together on the weekend? 'Cause I wanna go with you and try out the treats together! It's a date?" A small smirk grew on Tsukishima's features as he flicked your forehead, "A date it is." Smiling, you mentally facepalmed for not thinking of this idea earlier. It was the perfect opportunity to spend quality time together, something that the two of you thoroughly enjoyed. The next period's teacher entered the classroom and settled themselves at the bureau, so you went back to your seat after waving goodbye to Tsukishima. You two would discuss the details later but for now, it was time to get back to studying.

Maybe it wasn't that bad that you forgot your phone at home.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2021 ⏰

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