♢ cake ♢

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        About thirty minutes ago, you had messaged Tsukishima asking if he was at home. He had replied a few minutes later saying that he was. You told him that you would be coming over soon but left out an important part, on purpose.


You see, it was a super slow weekend. Even for you. You had spent your whole Saturday doing absolutely nothing, just sleeping and scrolling through your phone. It reached a point of boredom that even you felt that you should do something productive, just anything to cure this lethargic behaviour of yours. You had decided to put your culinary skills to use and bake a cake. So, you woke up early Sunday morning to get your cooking game on. With a recipe in mind from the research from the night before, you freshened up and headed into the kitchen. Noticing that a few ingredients were missing, you ran a quick trip to the grocery store to pick up the necessities and garnishes.

It felt weird, being up so early on a weekend, but it wasn't a bad thing. It was quite tranquil and the walk there and back was peaceful, you wouldn't mind doing it again. Once you arrived back home, you got everything set up and started the batter immediately. Obviously, you were going to make a strawberry shortcake for you and Tsukishima. You were in the mood for a tangy dessert anyway so it was good that your cravings matched Tsukishima's favourite cake.

You weren't the best baker but you did your best, sticking to the recipe strictly. You measured and leveled everything off so that nothing would go wrong, it would be a waste if you screwed up so you were diligent. After adding all the ingredients together and folding them neatly in the bowl, you poured the viscous material into the pans and threw them into the preheated oven.

Not literally, although you kinda wanted to.

After all that, you had iced everything and packed it up neatly into the plastic cake holder. You had ran into it in one of the aisles while trying to find some shortening so you bought it just in case. Fortunately it was a good idea on your part because you realized you had no way to transport the freshly baked dessert right when you finished frosting it.

Packing your creation into the container, you then carefully placed it into a big reusable grocery back and placed ice packs around it to keep it chilled on this warm day. After getting changing out of your powdered clothes, you gathered everything you needed and locked up the house.


"You took quite a while to get here, (Name)."

"Yeah, I was carrying things. Didn't want it to topple so I took my time, hope you didn't wait for long."

Tsukishima slipped on a pair of slippers and walked over to take the bag out of your hands, taking a peek inside. "Ice packs...?" he went back inside his house and set down the heavy bag onto the living room table, waiting for you to come in and share the surprise. "I had a chill day so I decided to spend that time baking a cake, thought it would be nice to eat it together," you said while taking your shoes off and setting it to the side. Walking over to the bag, you crouched down and took the container out of the bag and set it down on the table, snapping the lid open and showing him the work you've been toiling away at all morning. "I don't know how it tastes, hopefully not bad," you laughed sheepishly, getting up from your squatting position to go get plates and forks.

While you were gathering the utensils, Tsukishima looked at the cake. He was impressed with your work and was genuinely excited to try it, even if it tasted bad. The idea of you making a strawberry shortcake for the two of you to enjoy was already quite touching to him, knowing that you weren't much of a baker. Once you had returned with plates, forks, and a knife in your hand, you sliced a generous helping for the two of you and placed it down on the plate. You slid the plate over to Tsukishima, who picking up a fork and cut the corner off.

He took a bite a chewed thoughtfully, making you fidget awkwardly in your seat. In your eyes, he didn't look very impressed and that worried you. Your mind raced with second thoughts, maybe you added too much sugar for his taste, or maybe it wasn't sweet enough. Or the strawberries weren't sweet enough, causing a sour taste rather than a tart one. Hesitantly, you decided to ask him.

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah, you did a really good job."

"Wait, really?"

"Try it out for yourself."

Cutting another piece of his cake with the side of his fork, he picked it up and brought it over to your mouth. Nervously, you ate your sweet creation and realized that it really wasn't that bad. The flavours weren't muddles or clashing, the sweetness wasn't overbearing or non-existent, and strawberries definitely added a nice texture to it. "Wow, who knew I was such a good baker," you blinked slowly, picking up your fork to take another bite out of your slice.

"Don't get too full of yourself."

"What- Hey! Next time I'm making another cake I'm for sure not sharing it with you."

"I was joking, it's amazing I promise."

Huffing, you slide the cake away from him. "Yeah right, I'm taking this home after." You perked up, "Ooh! Or I can give this to your brother! I bet he would be much more grateful than you," you declared, sticking out your tongue. Tsukishima frowned and set down his fork, "That's not very nice of you, (Name)." You snickered deviously, noticing that Tsukishima's plate was already finished. You picked up the knife and picked up his plate, cutting another piece for him to eat. "Uh huh, tell me more," you smiled as he silently dug in to the second slice, a ghost of a smile on his face.

This was a good tasting strawberry shortcake, but the fact that you made it for him made it the vest Tsukishima's ever had.

Hands down.

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