♢ stars ♢

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"What are you doing?"

"I'm making these origami lucky stars."

It was a long weekend at the students had a four-day break, so obviously you decided to spend that time lazing around with Tsukishima. You had arrived at his house a few hours before and crashed in his room, the two of you doing your own things while enjoying each other's silent company. Tsukishima was casually scrolling through a website on his computer while you comfortably sat prepared a birthday present for your friend on his bed.

You had already bought a present a few days earlier but you felt that something was missing. You were in a crafty mood, so you decided to fill up a jar with little treats and chocolates. You felt that making origami stars would add a nice homemade touch to it, not to mention they were really pleasing to look at.

Tsukishima watched as you took a long strip of paper from the packaging. He swiveled around in his chair so that he was facing you, taking an interest in what you were doing. The paper had small patterns, tiny plants and leaves on a pale pastel green background. You made a loop on one end of the paper and you flattened it to form a pentagon. Slowly, you folded the paper around each side and tucked the end into one of the flaps. You pinched each side until it was a puffed up star and dropped it into the jar. Once you made enough you planned on taking them back out and randomly arranging them with the rest of the items.

You pulled out another strand of the paper and began making another star, easily weaving the paper with your fingers. You didn't hear Tsukishima's chair skid back to face his computer, meaning that he was still watching you. "Have you never seen origami stars before?" you hummed, pinching the edges of the folded up pentagon to form the star. "I have, I'm just surprised you know how to make them given how idiotic you are," he replied absentmindedly.

"Harhar, you're so funny. I learned from my cousins when I was a kid, they were also making it for their friends as a gift so I helped them out. I wasn't the best obviously but it was fun."

"You're still the size of a kid."

"You know what I mean, idiot."

You finished up another star and started on the next one, "You want to join me?" You weren't expecting Tsukishima to accept but there was no harm in extending the invitation. To your surprise, he agreed to fold stars with you and got up to sit next to you on the bed. You scooted closer to him so that he had a better view of your hands, tossing the jar and the paper to your other side. Carefully, you explained each step while doing it at the same time. Once you finished, you placed the finished star into the jar and pulled out two strips of paper from the package. You handed him a strip and let him at it, half expecting a saggy looking star from him. You weren't entirely concerned, you had enough paper to fill a good amount of the jar. Tsukishima could screw up as much as he wanted to and you'd have an adequate amount left to finish your gift. Plus, you could make fun of him for being such a dolt.

It's a win-win.

Every now and then you'd peek over at his progress, he was doing well the for the first few steps. They were the easiest anyway, it was more the pinching part that was difficult. If pinched badly, the star wouldn't puff up at all or it'd turn out lopsidedly. Either way, the outcome is bad. You stopped working on your own star to watch him do his, he had just finished folding the paper and had tucked the end into the fold. Tsukishima raised his eyebrow questioningly, "So I just pinch these parts right?" You nod and give him another tip, "Try to hold it by the other edges while you're pinching, I find that if you're holding it by the flat side you don't get the best results." Moving your hands over his, you readjust the paper in his hands and move back to let him continue.

With his index finger and thumb, he pinched the edges together to form one side of the star. It wasn't the best, but it was satisfactory. For his first ever pinch, it was quite good. He did the other edges but you spoke too soon about his performance. Each side got significantly worse, the star was all lopsided and the right half of it was barely three-dimensional. It looked like someone accidentally crumpled half a star but didn't bother smushing the other half.

You had to speak up, it wasn't everyday that you could make fun of Tsukishima for being back at something.

"Nice star you got there."

"Shut up."

"What? I'm complimenting you! You did so well for your first time!"

"That look on your face says the complete opposite."

You were grinning ear to ear but in a superior way, he was not wrong in any way. You just couldn't help yourself to tease him, it's like giving him the taste of his own medicine. You took the star out of his hands and rolled it around with your two fingertips, "I'm going to keep this to remind myself of the time you created this masterpiece." You knew that he was going to snatch the star from your hands, so you tucked them away before he had the chance to do so. You wagged your free hand in front of him, tantalizing him even further. "Sorry Tsukki, but it's for safekeeping! Who wouldn't want to keep such a memorable little keepsake!" You pocketed the star and handed him another strip of paper, wondering it he was going to take it.

He did take it and immediately began working on another one.

You admired his perseverance, and they were fun to make so you couldn't blame him either.

Maybe you should challenge him a little.

"It's okay if you don't do well, I don't expect you to produce amazing stars anyway~"

"Is that a challenge?"

"Take it how you want it, Tsukki."

Tsukishima gazed into your eyes, his golden globes shimmering brightly as the light hit sharply from the crack in the curtains. "I'll make the best star you've ever seen and I'll make sure you see it, then I'll make sure you get payback," he flicked your forehead before focusing his attention back onto the strip of paper. You poked his cheek affectionately, "Daww, are you trying to win me over with little gifts?" He grunted and looked away from you, his hands still folding the paper tightly. "If you're going to keep one, at least keep a good looking one," he reasoned, but you put that idea down.

"Nah, I think it's cute! Plus, it's your first ever star so it's ten times as special."

"...Whatever, I'm still making another one."

"You sorta remind me of those male birds that give little presents to the female birds to win them over."

Tsukishima eyed you from the corner of his eye, "Are you calling me a bird?" You started snickering at his claim before nodding heartily, wondering how he'd react. He just smirked teasingly and shook his head.

"Why are you looking so happy about that?"

"Because you're a weird bird."

"Wouldn't you be the weird one? Dating a bird?"


Without looking away from the paper star slowly forming in his hands, his gave you a firm pat on the head.

The two of you then silently made stars together, Tsukishima stopping you every now and then to show you a decent-looking star he made.

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