♢ tutoring ♢

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"Oi, where're you going? Our lunch spot is the other way."

"Ah I forgot to tell you! Kags and Hinata asked for help again for English, gotta help em out at the library."


"Eh, I don't mind. Anything for my homies."

You gave a salute before turning on your heel, starting your way to the library. Tsukishima followed you, something you didn't expect him to do. "You good man?" you inquired, walking side by side with him in the hallway. "I'm gonna come with you, make sure those idiots don't bombard you with stupid questions," he grumbled. You linked your arm in his, "Alright! The more the merrier I guess." Hopefully he doesn't say anything mean to the boys, you knew how impatient he was when it came those "dweebs." No matter, you'd lecture him if that were to happen.

You walked through the library entrance and made your way towards your usual table, at the far back where it was secluded and had a good ray of sunlight from the window. As you emerged from the row of book shelves, you could see that Kageyama and Hinata were already there with their notebooks in front of them. Their faces brightened when they saw you walk over but immediately dropped when they saw Tsukishima behind you. Tsukishima looked at them with false joy, "What's with those looks? I'm here to help you guys not fail your classes!" Hinata harrumphed, "Yeah right! You're just here to call us dumb!" Kageyama nodded in agreement, giving the blond a hard look.

"It's okay bros, I'll make sure that dolt doesn't say anything mean."

"Yeah, I would never make fun of the King and the miniscule kid."

"Cool it Tsukki, or I'll make you sit on the floor."

"Yeah (Name)! Show him who's boss!"

You sat down across the table from them and pulled out your notes from your bag, setting it neatly in front of you. "Alright, let's get started shall we?" You were briefly informed of what they needed help with when they came running up to you begging you for help. They seemed desperate as usual, quite the opposite of their personas on the court, you found it cute.

"So, you're writing a short paragraph about something memorable that happened to you guys?"

"Yeah, nothing over the top. Just ten basic sentences with proper structure, grammar, and punctuation."

"Hm, alright. Easy enough. Do you guys have something talk about?"

"Yeah! I'm gonna talk about why I started playing volleyball!"

"Me too..."

You chuckled lightly at Kageyama and Hinata's similar working minds, they truly are hooked on the sport. You admired the dedication and commitment, really. You rubbed your chin thoughtfully, devising a quick plan on how to make it as simple as possible for the boys to comprehend. You clapped your hands together, "Okay, so here's what I want you guys to do. Write in down your ideas in point form first and I'll make corrections. After, we can form them into sentences, incorporating the proper syntax and such as you piece them together. Cool?" Hinata and Kageyama nodded their heads slowly, they seemed to have understood you at least a little.

"If you have any questions feel free to ask me. If you don't finish your paragraph by the end of lunch just send me a pic when you're done and I'll check it then."

"Thank you (Name)! You're the best!"


You laughed as they looked at you with bright eyes, as if you were a saviour who descended from the skies to save their asses. "You're my friends, it's nothing, really," you replied before relaxing back into your seat. You noticed that Tsukishima had been awfully quiet the past few minutes. You laid a hand on his, gaining his attention. "You doin' alright there bud?" you questioned him, squeezing his hand slightly in your grasp. "Yeah," he said lowly, his eyes focused on the table with a bored expression. You looked at him pointedly, he was obviously annoyed at something, possibly the boys sitting across the table from you. "Come out, spill it bro," you whispered tenderly.

"I just don't like it when they constantly ask you for help. You're spending your free time helping them instead of relaxing."

"I don't mind, it's not like I'm doing the work for them."

"Yeah, but at the same time, I know how your lunches are for a mental reset. As you put it."

"Aww, that's sweet of you! I mean, spending that time with friends is also recharging so I don't mind."

"If they ever annoy you, just tell me."

"My heart is melting, you're being so thoughtful right now!"

"Yeah yeah, it's just so that you-"

"You don't annoy me later on yeah yeah. You say that every time when I tease you for being a softie."

Tsukishima glared at you, flicking you in the forehead when you looked at him funnily. You looked back at Hinata and Kageyama, who were diligently working on their assignments. It seemed that they're finally on the right track.


Soon enough, the little study session had come to a close, you had to end it there so that everyone could have some time to eat. You got up and waved goodbye to Kageyama and Hinata, "Welp, we'll get going. Hope to talk to you soon!" Kageyama and Hinata returned the warm farewell and packed up their things. You looked up at Tsukishima and tugged at his sleeve, "Let's get going." You were already walking away when you realized that he wasn't following.

"Next time you need help, ask someone else but (Name)."

"Hey hey wait, I'm sure he doesn't mean that-"

"Yes I do."

You shook your head at his behaviour before dragging him away.

Must be on something today.

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