♢ lover's quarrel ♢

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Lunch time, sweet.

It was the second half of the lunch and you were getting ready to go walk to the gymnasium with your friends. Your friends had gotten you to join the badminton club with them, and they had leisure play during lunchtimes. You were against it at first, you didn't want to get all worked up and reek of sweat for the rest of the day. Unfortunately you caved in after their relentless begging and bribery, saying that you'd finally get the exercise that your lifestyle lacked.

A very harsh point, but damn accurate.

You had finished your lunch earlier and gave yourself the time to digest, so you were pumped and ready to play. After attending a few free play sessions, you had begun to enjoy playing. Putting your lunch bag back into your bag and pulling out your gym clothes, you bid farewell to Tsukishima and Yamaguchi who were happily indulging in their food.

"Well, I'll get going now. Later taters!"

"Bye (Name)! Try not to exert yourself too much."

"Thank you Yams, that's very sweet of you."


Around two minutes later, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were interrupted again. One of your friends had come back into the classroom, bounding over to the two boys. "(Name) forgot something in her phone here and told me to get it for her. That lil' pig," your friend explain with a huff, rolling their eyes. They turned around to leave but stopped midstep. "Oh, why don't you guys come to the gym and watch us? You could spend time with us instead of just sitting here!" Yamaguchi threw Tsukishima a look, who was staring down the desk with an unreadable face.

"(F/N) what's taking so long, you shoulda been back a while ago!"

"Hey pig, why didn't you invite Yams and Tsukishima to come watch us play?"

"Err, well..."

"Because (Name) told us that spectators weren't allowed."

Everyone's eyes diverted onto Tsukishima, who looked away from the desk and straight into your eyes. Those golden orbs of his held an intense gaze, emotions of disappointment and vexation were evident. You gulped, this was the first time you ever saw such a fierce look from Tsukishima that was directed at you. You opened your mouth to explain your intentions, but Tsukishima put his headphones on went back to eating his lunch.

It was quite hurtful, but you understood.

What's done was done, and you were heartbroken. But not as heartbroken as he was.

Tsukishima was crossed between enraged and shocked at your actions, you had never kept anything big from him. You learned to be open with your problems to him, as did he. To think that you hid something so tiny, so trivial from him. This little lie just so he couldn't watch you in the gym? Tsukishima wanted to scoff, laugh, bash his skull against his wall. Maybe finding love had gotten him all soft, he gave too much and expected too much in return.

Figures, he thought.

You sighed at his lack of response and turned to leave the classroom, not bothering to pick up your phone on the desk. It just didn't feel right to do so. Your friend on the other hand stayed back, forcing an awkward laugh out of their mouth. "Don't be too harsh on her guys. (Name)'s just awkward when she plays in front of people she cares about, something about them not wanting to see her as bad or clumsy. But let me tell you she's actually god tier, she actually pretty intimidating when she plays," they shrugged, waving goodbye to the boys before making their leave.

Yamaguchi let out a low whistle, "Makes sense, I don't see why (Name) would lie to us without reason." He then looked at Tsukishima who still had his headphones on, still wordlessly chewing on his lunch. Little did Yamaguchi know, Tsukishima heard the whole exchange. He might've had his headphones on, but he didn't play any music. Both Yamaguchi and (F/N)'s points were valid, he knew that (Name) wouldn't do anything malicious to anyone. Heck, sometimes she's too much of a wuss to say no to people. His irritation slowly subsided and he regained his rationality.

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