♢ skirts ♢

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For the longest time, you've hated wearing anything you deemed to be too "girly." Whether it'd be skirts, dresses, frilly clothes, sequins, certain jewellery, or ribbons. You just never found the appeal in them, you hated wearing it nor did you feel that it fit your style. That's why school uniforms were the bane of your existence, it went against your literal lifestyle.

Your way of life.

Your philosophy.

Your existence, you could say.

You hated it when you were younger and you still hated it now, with every fibre of your being. You couldn't fathom why other girls would submit themselves to such torture, who would want to wear a flimsy article of clothing that restricted your movement? With sweatpants, the greatest piece of clothing ever, you could do anything you want. Jumping, running, sitting in any position, stretch, exercise...

Maybe even spread your legs a little, how scandalous!

Sadly enough, you were used to wearing the dumpster fire of a fabric due to the dress code rules placed on over your head ever since a kid. You dreamed for the day that school uniforms would suddenly be abolished and you could pull up to class in sweatpants and a hoodie. Until then, you could only hope for such a miracle to happen.

You were reminded of your hatred towards wearing uniforms, notably the skirt aspect of it when you were walking to school this morning. It was quite windy this morning, you already knew that your hair would be a tangled mess by the time you would reach the school. What frustrated you more than your knotted hair was the way your skirt would float upwards with every strong gust. You couldn't walk without worrying about your skirt riding up, exposing your undergarments to the world. To prevent that problem, you rested your bag right on top of your butt so that the weight would keep it down. It was an awkward trip to school, hands behind your back with your school bag dangling behind you.

Truly unfortunate circumstances, you'd riot for your sweatpants rights if it were the last thing you'd do.


From the morning classes you had so far, you were already assigned quite a bit of homework to do. To try and maximize your productivity, you decided to start some of the questions now. Your break had just started and your next class won't be starting for while, your future self would be the utmost grateful for your big brain decision. You decided to start with your easiest task, it wasn't hard but there were several questions. Tedious and time-consuming too. "Alright, let's get to it then," you readied yourself both mentally and physically with hand stretches. You got yourself comfortable, crossing your legs in your seat. You often liked to sit with your legs crossed or folded in any awkward position when doing your work, it helped your brain juices going. Without any other distractions, you plugged in your earbuds and dived straight into your work with no hesitation.

The rest of the world disappeared as your worked sucked up all your undivided attention. The music flowing through your ears were the only thing you heard in the background, everything and everyone slowly faded away until the only the left was you and you work. Seeing that you finished the first two questions in record time, you started the following questions with newfound motivation. You were tackling each question like a pro and nothing came close to stopping your grind, you even started nodding your head to the rhythm of the song. You were straight up vibin' yet also working with such speed that Light McQueen would quake in his wheels.

Your homework grind halted suddenly when your left earbud was suddenly yanked out of your ear. This felt familiar, you already knew who it was without even looking. "Something up Tsukki?" you asked monotonously, outreaching your hand as you patiently waited for him to return the earbud. Your eyes were still glued to your paper and your writing hand was still scribbling away, free hand perched on your desk as you still waited for Tsukishima to hand your earbud back. "What's got you in such a rush?" he watched you intently as you quickly boxed the answer and moved onto the next question. "Nothing much, just lightening up my work load so I don't have to do much at home," you hummed.

"Why you sitting like that?"

"It helps me think. And it's comfy, I'm all bunched together and warm. Ya get me?"

"Take a look at yourself."

You looked down at yourself, scanning your blouse for any stains, rips, or pieces of lint. Once your shirt passed the check, you tilted your body to the side and looked at your legs, your skirt was sitting right by your midthigh. "Ah, I know what you mean. Yeah I wish I could wear sweatpants too. They'd be super comfortable," you shrugged. Seeing that Tsukishima was still holding your earbud, you stuck out your hand to take it from him. He pulled his hand back before you could grab the ear bud. You gave him a quizzical look, "What's up?" Tsukishima deadpanned and pointed down at your thighs. "Your skirt's riding up," he said as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. You waved him off indifferently, not finding it that big of a deal. "It's not like anyone's looking. Everyone's busy with their own stuff," you reasoned.

Tsukishima didn't seem to like your answer because he slapped the back of your head lightly, making you accidentally mess up what you were writing. You set your pencil down and looked up at him petulantly, "You tryna start beef bro?" Your eyebrows scrunched up in guilt after realizing you he was just protecting you and you unfolded your legs, bringing them down, "Nevermind, that was my bad..." You smoothed down your skirt and once more picked up your pencil to get back to work. Taciturnly, Tsukishima walked back to his desk and rummaged through his bag. He pulled out his volleyball jacket and walked back to you, draping it over your legs.

"If you want to cross your legs, at least have something to cover them first."

You looked up at him then back down at his jacket before spreading out the jacket over your legs.

"Thanks, I owe you one."

Tsukishima smirked down at you, "What's with the sudden change in personality? Weren't you just asking if I was 'tryna start beef bro?'"

You groaned at how he copied your words and punched him in the arm. "I'm sorry, okay?" you pouted, blocking your face with your hands to hide your shame. You heard him chuckle lightly and you peeked up to see his smiling face through an opening in your hand. Tsukishima leaned down right beside your ear, feeling his warmth radiate from him. "What did you say? I wasn't paying attention," he cooed playfully, attempting to lightly pry your hands away from your face. You removed your hands from your face and glared at him, staring straight into his glinting golden orbs of his.

You felt bad, so you said it again. Even though you knew he was just trying to tease you.

"I said I'm sorry for 'tryna start beef bro' and I highly appreciate you for lending your jacket to me."

He pinched your cheeks, "What if I don't accept the apology?"

"Don't try and squeeze more out of me," you leered at him.

He seem to have taken that as a challenge because you could've sworn his eyes shined with even brighter mischief.

You caved in before he could say anything. "Alright, I'll get you a snack or something. My treat," you offered, shooting him a weak smile as well.

He smiled triumphantly, "Alright, fine."

He turned on his heel and sauntered back to his desk, "I'll be looking forward to it, midget."

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