♢ new year ♢

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(This one is done in third person past tense, I'm fiddling around with tenses and different POVs to see which one I like best.)

After a crazy year, the best way to wrap up 2020 was for a New Year's Party with friends. (F/N) was hosting a party at her house, everyone was packed in the living room chatting amongst themselves or playing games. (Name) couldn't ask for more, the night was still young and the energy was lively and far from dead. There was nothing more she could want at that time. There were various assortments of foods stacked high to fill everyone's stomachs, video games and board games galore,

your friends were all here,

and not to mention the Karasuno volleyball team too.

Everyone that'd she cared about were present at this party, it was the best way to end the year in her opinion. Staying up late with her loved ones as they step into a new chapter of their life. Cheesy and overly said, yes, but who wouldn't be after these times?

(Name) was seated on the floor playing Sorry with (F/N), Nishinoya, and Sugawara. Of course, they were all yelling at each other for being betrayed several times, everyone's blown a fuse at least once. Even sweet little Suga, but it was called for so no one could blame him. Nishinoya decided to step on Suga's trust by breaking a pretty solid truce. At least, what Suga thought was supposed to be a solid truce. That's why (Name) never made any alliances, if she did it was to betray them later on in the game. Quite sadistic but it made the game more fun.

"One, two, three, four, oh? Is that Nishinoya's piece I see on my fifth spot? Sorry bud but you're gonna need to go back home. Let me help you move your piece."

"Dammit (Name)! Watch out because I'm coming for you!"

"At least I have more pieces at the end point than you do. Boo hoo, you only got one!"

"Grrr, Suga-senpai help me out!"

"After what you did to me? I'd much rather help (Name) and kick your ass."

"My saviour! Also he really swore at you! In your face you little gremlin!"

As the three of them cackled loudly at Nishinoya's inhumane growling, Tsukishima watched his girl smile and jeer for the entire duration of the game. Granted, the room was extremely loud and he was starting to grow irritated of the constant volume from everyone in the room but he didn't regret coming at all. Spending time with (Name) was the one thing he was looking forward to but sadly she wasn't even with him.


"That was a pretty bomb ass movie if I do say so myself."

Everyone seated on and around the sofa made affirmative noises to (F/N)'s statement. They had just finished watching a film after playing a few rounds of mafia, Among Us, and a whole Mario Kart tournament. Daichi looked at the clock hanging at the wall, "Good timing too. There's about ten minutes left before the countdown." A hush fell down in the room and everyone dissociated into smaller groups, casually chatting and snacking on food as they waited for midnight.

(Name), who was seated with Tsukishima, shifted her weight so she could face the boy. "So, we haven't talked much tonight. I know you're not much of a party person so how have you been holding up?" she batted her eyelashes innocently. He glared and pinched the girl's cheek tightly, "Oh (Name), I had the most joyous time babysitting a whole room of kids. You troublesome midget." (Name) swatted his hand away and huffed strongly, "You didn't have to come then you poopoo head." He rolled his eyes at the girl's childish response and flicked her forehead.

"But then who's gonna record all the stupid things you did?"

"Not you, because (F/N) already has an album of embarrassing footage of me."

"And so do I, it's growing quite big too."

"Not very cash money of you."

They continued to throw insults at each other until (F/N) gathered everyone's attention with a clink to her cup. "Yo it's almost time!" she announced excitedly.






"Hey midget."



"Hm? What's up?"




"Happy New Year, I love you."

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