♢ skipping lunch ♢

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You had a lot to do today during lunch, you figured that you'd have to skip your meal to get everything done in time. First, you had booked a guidance appointment regarding a faulty textbook you had received. After that, you had a club meeting to attend, already knowing that you'd miss a part of the beginning because of your appointment. Lastly, you had to help your homeroom teacher with filing and organizing some forms. Not wanting to disappoint, you said that you could weasel in some time to do it before class started.

A one-in-million chance if you did say so yourself, but you were quite grateful that you could weasel such a short appointment with guidance at all. The counselors had been quite busy recently so it took a while for you to land a spot. Unfortunately the only day they could pencil you in was on this busy lunch day of yours. If only you knew beforehand, you wouldn't had submitted yourself to such a difficult time.

Past you had no fault in this problem, but you couldn't help but shake your head at your incredible feat.

You sure liked to screw yourself over, unintentionally too.

Quite a talent.

As much as your stomach rumbled, you couldn't stop to even eat your snack. And you had packed your favourite snack too, just so you could treat yourself. To be honest, thing would've been much more chill if you weren't appointed as the teacher's assistant. You would've had a small window of time, about ten minutes or so, to feed yourself. But with three things on your plate, you just felt that everything was too rushed. Now, you weren't blaming your teacher for making you skip your meals. They had no idea about your hectic schedule but it would've been totally peachy if they asked literally anyone else in the class. Literally anyone, just saying.

No matter, you thought, maybe my afternoon teacher will let me eat real quick in the hall. Or I could just scarf everything down during break. That was sound reasoning for you to not eat during your designated meal time, that and you didn't want to disappoint anyone. You and your people-pleasing ass, never catching a break.

First off was the guidance appointment, who managed all student-related problems. It was sort of weird in your opinion, having to go to guidance for something like this. About a week ago, you had initially went to the teacher's office during your lunch break asking for a new copy but they brushed you off lazily, telling you to book an appointment with guidance. You were fuming, instantly regretting asking such an irresponsible staff member. If only you waited for your actual teacher, they graciously would've offered you a new textbook.

It is what it is.

Sitting on one of the provided chairs, you impatiently fidgeted in your seat as you watched the second hand of the clock tick by. Even as you were watching the time pass by, it felt like it was for hours and hours. All you needed to do was voice your concerns about your book, probably watch them fill out a slip and leave. There was no one else here but you, yet you had to wait.

For what fucking reason.

Your restlessness slowly fed into anger, eyes darting to the guidance secretary as she walked out of a room and towards her office chair holding a stack of papers. You waited for her to say your name and direct you to a room but all she did was staple the papers. She worked so inefficiently in your eyes, all you wanted to do was grab her by the collar and pour all her frustrations out to the woman and just wreck the whole place and-

"Are you (Name)? Come in."

Hurriedly, you bounced out of your seat and walked into the room, closing the door behind you. "What seems to be the problem for you?" the counselor asked, folding her hands in front of her on her desk. You wasted no time in explaining your predicament, including the part about the unhelpful teacher.

"Alright, I'll fill out a form so that a pickup can be made from our school bookroom. For now, I'm afraid you'll have to deal with the faulty textbook for now."

"How long will I have to wait."

"A week at most. I'll send it directly to your homeroom. What class are you in?"

"Class 1-4."

"I've written a reminder. If you don't have any other questions you are free to go."

"Thank you so much miss, have a good lunch."

"You too."

If only that were true, but you had other things to be doing than moping. Giving a quick bow and closing the door with a click, you fled towards the clubroom. Stepping inside, you quietly excused yourself and made it to the front of the room where the rest of the members had been waiting for you. Being part of the executive team, you had quite a few responsibilities to tend to before it's shared to the general members later on. Fortunately the other exec members excused your tardiness and everyone got back to work.


"Alright, I think that sums everything up for today. We'll carry on next time! Enjoy your lunch everyone!"

Sighing, you cleaned up any objects that were sitting out of place before bidding goodbye to the team. Now that your club duties were officially done, all you needed to do was meet up with your teacher in class. You tried to think positively, telling yourself that if you worked faster enough you could at least quiet your rumbling stomach. "Shh shh, I'll feed you soon. Just sit tight for a while," you shushed your stomach, giving it two firm pats.

You went back into classroom, but rather eating and rewinding like the other students, you were getting ready to heft a giant pile of review packages to the teacher's office. Honestly, you didn't know what your teacher was thinking, asking the tiniest student to help with labour work. No questions asked though, a job is a job. They did mention that you'd mainly be sorting the marked packages to the right class, which is something right up your alley. With an arm wrapped under the pile and your other arm secured under to prevent it from slipping, you started your walk towards the teacher's office that was down on the main floor.

When you made it to the staircase you had to compose yourself before beginning your descent down the stairs with a pile of papers that partially blocked your view. You brought your foot down onto the step then brought your other foot down with it, and repeated the process making slow but steady progress.

"You're so slow."

"Thanks Tsukki, you're so kind."

Tsukishima took the stack out of your hands and walked down the rest of the flight of stairs with ease, you envied that insane height of his during times like this. When the two of you reached the bottom, he shifted the stack of papers in his hand into a more comfortable position. "I take it that you haven't ate yet?" he said flatly, and all you could do was throw him a guilty smile and a thumbs up. He sighed, rubbing his forehead like a troubled senior. "You need to take these to the teacher's office, right?' he pointed to the papers and you nodded slowly.

"Alright, I'll finish up your task. You go back and start your lunch."

"You sure?"

"I wouldn't want to hear you complaining about being hungry later on. Now shoo."

You threw your head back dejectedly, slapping your cheeks. "Thanks, I owe you. But I still don't have my new textbook. I'm gonna have to use that funky ass book for at least a week," you explained with a disappointed air. Tsukishima furrowed his eyebrows, "You're still worried about that? I'll switch with you for the time being. Happy?" You brightened up instantly, nodded your head vigorously. You threw yourself on him and gave him a fat hug, "Bro I actually owe you bigtime. Bless your soul!" He peeled you off of him, "Hey! I almost dropped the papers!" He waved his hand, indicating for you to leave.

"Go and finish your lunch already."

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