♢ rollerblading ♢

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"Your feet are angled wrong again."

"Ah shit, why can't I do this properly?"

"It's okay to be slow in the head sometimes~"

"If I weren't standing on literal wheels I would for sure beat you up."

You were spending your Saturday at the park with Tsukishima, the weather was nice and the both of you felt like meeting up. Nothing like spending time with the people you love, am I right? Although you had something different in mind this time, rather than taking a walk around the area and getting a treat at a nearby shop like usual. Instead, you were rollerblading. Well, trying to at least. You recently felt the desire to learn how to rollerblade properly, as you have tried a few times before. Luckily, you were a relatively quick learner and you found yourself quite decent at things moments later, especially if you put all your effort in it. Overall, you had high hopes that you would be gliding across the ground in no time.

Unfortunately, you were dead wrong. You have lost your mojo and you were even worse off then what you remembered. You stood like you never walked in your whole life, let alone rollerblade. So, you found your mom's old pair of rollerblades which you never knew she had until you asked and invited Tsukishima. He immediately accepted when you called him a few days prior to the date you had in mind, saying that it would be a good opportunity to capture footage of you falling on your ass. But of course, this two-faced clown also lectured you for a solid five minutes, all because you revealed the fact that you didn't plan on wearing any protective gear.

And then when you teased him for being a softie, he covered up his concern with a shitty excuse, saying that you'd injure yourself and constantly complain to him later. But you both knew that you weren't one to do that, aside from the fact that he uses the same excuse every time you made fun of him.

You might be big brain Tsukishima, but get some new insults broski.

After you had laced on your skates, you tried standing up without holding onto the bench. There was no problem there, you managed to keep your balance without much effort, until you tried to push yourself forward. You didn't expect to move so quickly which caused you to flail your arms around to balance yourself. Tsukishima, who was standing right by you, gripped onto your shoulder and steadied you before loosening his grip and moving his hand down to your forearm.

"If you needed help you could've just asked."

"I'm not completely useless! I've rollerbladed before, I'm just super nervous right now for some reason..."

Tsukishima didn't send back a snarky reply, but instead softened his look. "Alright, whenever you're ready push propel yourself forward," he instructed. You did as he told and gently used your left foot to roll you forward. With Tsukishima holding on your for balance, you steadily made your way away from the bench and down the sidewalk. You continued the same motion with your right foot, smiling gleefully as you felt the ground below pass by you smoothly. "Hey, I'm pretty good at this," you exclaimed, pushing yourself forwards a little faster than before.

"Do you want me to let go of you now?"

"Sure, let's give it a shot!"

Tsukishima slowly took his hand off of you and you slid forward on your own, balancing on your own for a solid moment before crying out for help when you felt control slipping away from you. "Nope never mind, I don't think I'm ready on my own yet," you breathed out, finally feeling your muscles relaxing after finding yourself back in Tsukishima's grasp. "Mmm, we can keep at it for another hour or so before we go get something to eat," he said, checking the time on his phone.

You nodded to yourself encouragingly, an hour was plenty of time to get you on your feet.


Or not.

You weren't doing much better.

After being defeated over and over by you lack of balance, you slumped over on the bench with your sneakers back on your feet. "I don't get it, why can't I get the hang of it?" you asked yourself dismally, you frowned so deeply that grumpy cat would be jealous of your intense frowning. "I'm normally pretty good at trying new things, what is wrong with me today?" the more you thought about your lack of success, the more dejected you felt. Tsukishima sat down next to you and gave you a comforting pat on your head, "Don't feel so down, there's nothing wrong with having trouble." He then wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer to him, "Let's get you something sweet to cheer you up, cool?" Your lips tightened into a thin line, "I'm not really feeling it anymore but sure."

Tsukishima frowned lightly.

"(Name), you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. Everybody has bad days, we are know you're a quick learner, even me, and I'm sure that you'll have it down."

"How do you know that?"

"Like I said, everybody has bad days. Am I wrong?"


"Exactly. We can come here again next week, and you don't need to worry because I'll be there to catch you if you fall."

You smiled for the first time in a while that afternoon.

"You better."

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