Chapter 3

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Monday Afternoon: 1:00 P.M

Jihyo's POV

The weekend was rather peaceful. Tzuyu and I went shopping for some basic necessities that she would need. I paid for some of the items against Tzuyu's wishes as I knew that she didn't have a lot of cash on her. It wasn't a big deal to me as I had insisted on going to buy these items in the first place, but I knew that Tzuyu was very hesitant and against the idea. She didn't want to be a burden on me, but I didn't think she was being one. I don't have much use for money beyond the necessities anyways. The rest of the weekend was spent on relaxing and getting to know each other in the most rudimentary form. I also gave her the spare key to my apartment in case she needed to go anywhere.

I work at a restaurant called "2Yeon Restaurant". I run tables with two women by the names of Dahyun and Chaeyoung. Three women run the kitchen by the names of Momo, Sana, and Mina. Nayeon and Jeongyeon-unnies are the owners of this restaurant, and they are basically floaters and help out wherever is required except for the kitchen.

It was now the downtime for the restaurant right after the lunch rush. We always get a little bit of time to relax. I always hid away in the kitchen or sat in the corner of the dining area on my own. I avoid interacting with everyone else ever since I met them. It was more of a self-defense mechanism rather than a direct hatred for any of them. I honestly don't care much for them.

I came out of the kitchen after grabbing my sandwich that I bought from a convenience store down the road from the refrigeration units. I saw everyone sitting around one of our big tables. They were eating, chatting, and laughing happily. I felt a pang in my heart. I placed a hand over my heart and felt it beating rapidly. My brain told me to turn around and hide like I always do, but my heart told me that I need to face my fears if I want to be an example for Tzuyu.

I took a deep breath and steeled my nerves for what I was about to face. I walked up to the table and everyone's attention instantly turned towards me. I shrank a little upon seeing everyone staring at me with curious eyes.

I swallowed the lump that I didn't know had formed in my throat, "Umm... Is it okay... if I join you all?" I nervously asked.

"Why the sudden change?" Jeongyeon-unnie asked in reply.

My breath hitched as I shrank completely upon hearing the simple question. All of my fears flared up in that instant. I clutched onto my sandwich, slightly crushing it, to hide the fact that my body had started to tremble. Tears were already welling up in my eyes and threatening to fall.

"I-I-I'm sorry," I stuttered, "If you don't want me here then I will just leave."

Jeongyeon-unnie jumped up before I could turn around to leave, "Woah! That's not what I meant! We would love for you to hang out with us, encouraged even; it's just that all of us are just curious about the sudden change of heart, you know?"

"Oh, it's... just that I want to get to know everyone," I quietly explained.

Jeongyeon-unnie grabbed a chair for me and placed it between her and Mina. I sat down and Mina greeted me with a smile. I replied back with a small smile of my own. Everyone went back to what they were doing once Jeongyeon-unnie sat back down. I just observed everyone as I didn't want to say anything wrong and get shunned for it.

I ate my sandwich silently until Mina started a small conversation with me. It wasn't anything big, but it was huge for me. I haven't interacted with someone like this on a personal level for a very long time. I avoided them out of fear to this point. I was surprised to find the interaction pleasant. For once, I wasn't completely stricken with fear and paranoia when talking to someone like this.

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