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A/N: This story has the potential to contain profanity and content that may be inappropriate, offensive or possibly triggering to some readers. I will try to put a warning for the latter, but the profanity will be sprinkled throughout the story. Now, let's get on to the story!


3rd Person POV

The little girl hugged her knees close to her chest as she cowered in fear as she sat on the floor in her closet. She retreated to her closet after only having fallen asleep for half an hour. As far back as she could remember, this was her regular routine whenever her mother brought home a man. Although nothing has ever happened to her, her brain always told her to hide in the closet in case anything was to happen.

"Please don't let anything happen. Please don't let anything happen," the little girl begged repeatedly while rocking back and forth.

Although the little girl has been through this situation a countless number of times, she was always on edge and could never be calm. Having never known who her father was, she had no one she could turn to in these situations. Her mother never cared about her and was the source of many of her troubles. She really wished that was not the situation, but she also knew that she could not deny her reality.

"Why do I have to live in fear?" the little girl asked as she began to sob.

The little girl cried for half an hour before getting tired and becoming unable to produce anymore tears. She let go of her knees so she could try to lie down and get a wink of peaceful sleep, something that she rarely got in these situations. Upon stretching out her legs, a rattling sound could be heard near her feat. She reached into the darkness and felt a cylinder object and picked it up.

The little girl held up the object in front of her face to look at it before her eyes widened in surprise, "No!" she yelled before throwing the object, allowing it to hit the wall and letting its content spill out onto the ground in a rain of small pills.

The little girl held her head between her hands and started to shake it. She tried to escape the evil grasp of temptation that always tried to encroach her whenever she saw the small pills. She already knew it was futile, but she still had to try with all of her willpower. A minute later, the little girl let go of her head and lunged at the pills on the floor. She frantically scrambled to pick up as many of the pills she could before throwing them into her mouth and swallowing all of them at once. She sat back down and leaned her back against the wall before staring off into the distance with a dazed look on her face.

New tears began to fall from the little girl's eyes as she felt her heart beating uncontrollably, "Why can't I just live a normal life?" she asked in a barely audible voice as her vision faded to darkness.


"We don't want you anymore! Get out of here!" the man yelled as he slammed the front door in the face of the young girl.

The young girl let out a sigh as she turned around and began to walk down the street with a small backpack on her back. She had just been kicked out of yet another foster home by her current set of foster parents. There were no explicit reasons for these sets of rejections as the young girl never did anything to offend or wrong her foster parents; they all just decided to kick the young girl out after a very short stay.

The young girl arrived at an all too familiar doorstep and knocked on the door. She always came back here when she was kicked out of her current foster home. It was almost ironic that she spent more time in this temporary home than the places that she should be calling "home".

The door opened to reveal a middle-aged woman who had a sad smile upon seeing the young girl, "Again?" she asked, gaining a nod from the young girl, "Come in," she said as she opened her door wider for the young girl.

The young girl walked into the all too familiar living room, and took off her backpack and placed it on the ground. She sat down on the all too familiar couch in her basically claimed spot. The woman walked into the room a moment later with a cup of hot chocolate for the young girl, knowing that it was the only thing that could truly provide the young girl comfort in these awful situations. She placed it on the coffee table in front of the couch before sitting down beside the young girl.

"Did they say why?" the women asked gently, knowing that it was a sensitive spot for the young girl.

"No..." the young girl trailed off, "They never do..."

The woman looked at the young girl with pity filled eyes, "I am sorry..." she trailed off as she reached over to comfort the young girl.

The young girl swatted the woman's hand away before standing up and glaring at the woman, "I don't need your apologies!" she yelled while fighting back tears and starting to shake uncontrollably, "I want people to accept me! I want people I can trust! But what is the point?! No one wants me, and I can't trust anyone! All they ever do is hurt me and lie to me!"

"But I accept you!" the woman tried to reason.

"But I can't trust you!" the young girl screamed before finally breaking down into tears, "How many times!" she yelled with a voice crack, "How many times did you promise me this would be the last time I would be thrown away?!"

The woman was shocked by the young girl's outburst. She wanted to comfort the young girl and try to reassure and comfort her, but she knew it was futile. The young girl was not wrong in saying that the woman had told her countless times that this would be the last time she was rejected. The woman stared at the pain filled eyes of the young girl and felt her heart break, knowing that whatever she said was not going to be able to reach the young girl's heart.

"I am thankful for everything you've done," the young girl said before her expression became devoid of emotion and her body stopped shaking, "But I've given up... I've accepted... that the world is just out to get me... There is just no point in trying anymore. All I ever get... is pain. I'm just... tired now... Just... so tired of this life of misery," she explained softly before walking away to her "room", leaving behind her only source of comfort.


A/N: Hello everyone! Welcome to the Prologue of my new fanfic! This will be a JiTzu fanfic. Updates will come out for this fanfic once I finish writing "Chef's Ambition" and will come out in parallel with "CEO's Love Story". Anyways, until next time, thank you for the support!

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