Chapter 10

740 36 18

Monday Evening: 10:00 P.M

3rd Person POV

Jihyo and Tzuyu came home after another night of hanging out with everyone from the restaurant. They went to their shared room to drop off their things before Tzuyu instantly headed to the kitchen. She looked through their refrigerator and pulled out the ingredients to make tonkatsu donburi as Momo, Sana, and Mina taught her how to make it and she wanted to try making it for Jihyo.

Jihyo walked into the living room as Tzuyu was in the middle of chopping some ingredients, "Hey, Tzuyu. Ummm... I wanted to discuss moving places," she said, having finally made a decision over the past week.

Tzuyu instantly froze upon hearing this. The smile that she had on her face while she was thinking of what Jihyo's reaction to her cooking was going to be was replaced with a frown. She feared that she was about to be kicked out just as things were looking up for her.

"Am I... being kicked out?" Tzuyu asked quietly while still facing away from Jihyo.

"Of course not!" Jihyo exclaimed, surprised that Tzuyu thought she was going to kick her out, "I have just been thinking that this apartment is a bit small for the both of us, so I think we should move to a bigger place."

"I'm just being a burden," Tzuyu replied sadly with a sigh, "Just like always, a burden."

"You're not a burden!" Jihyo quickly reassured, "I have been thinking of moving since before meeting you. This apartment has been feeling claustrophobic lately even when I was living alone. I wanted to move but the burden of a bigger apartment for a single person wasn't something I wanted to take on. This is the much-needed push to move apartments. So please don't think I want to move just because you moved in."

Tzuyu nodded slowly as she continued to chop ingredients, attempting to signal to Jihyo that she understood what was being said. However, she could not get over the idea that she was being a burden. It seemed way too coincidental that Jihyo wanted to move just as Tzuyu moved in. She wanted to believe Jihyo's words and reassurance, but her brain convinced her that it was lies. She felt utterly terrible but was used to hiding this feeling from others.

Tzuyu finished cooking dinner and served it on the dining table with two glasses of water for Jihyo and her. Jihyo thanked her for the meal before digging in. Her eyes instantly widened in surprise as she paused for a moment. She started shoveling the tonkatsu donburi into her mouth. Tzuyu forgot about her negative thoughts as they were replaced by the happy feeling that she got from watching Jihyo devour her cooking.

"Unnie, don't eat so fast. You could choke," Tzuyu lightly scolded Jihyo.

Jihyo swallowed hard to clear her mouth of food before downing her glass of water and slamming the empty cup onto the table, "Sorry, it's just that this is so good! I couldn't help myself," she chuckled with a wide smile.

Tzuyu smiled after hearing Jihyo explicitly saying that she liked what she had cooked for her, "I just want to make sure you don't hurt yourself. I can make you more of anything I have made for you if you request it."

Jihyo nodded her head, "Thanks for the concern. I would love that. Honestly, your cooking is amazing," she replied, causing Tzuyu to blush ever so slightly that went unnoticed by Jihyo.

Jihyo and Tzuyu continued to eat dinner. Jihyo ate at a regular pace, now savouring every bite she took. Tzuyu washed the dishes as Jihyo went to take a shower. She finished washing the dishes as Jihyo finished her shower. She took a shower before joining Jihyo in bed. The two of them talked for a little bit before going to sleep, separated by a couple of pillows.

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