Chapter 36

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Monday Afternoon: 1:00 P.M

3rd Person POV

Jihyo did not spare any time in bringing Nayeon and Jeongyeon back to the restaurant. She wanted to meet with everyone and show them the video that they had received from her father. Everyone was shocked and disgusted with what they were shown. It lit a desire to find Tzuyu and get rid of the sickening man that is Jihyo's father.

Jihyo called Tzuyu's mother on video call before explaining everything to everyone about what is known thus far. She showed them the map of the search area and explained that Tzuyu had to have walked Gucci through one of these areas. She then explained that she had a hunch that Tzuyu was kidnapped along the river as it would be too risky to try to kidnap someone closer to populated areas but had no evidence to back it up.

Just as Jihyo was about to continue explaining, her phone started ringing. She took it out and took a deep breath as she saw that it was a video from Tzuyu. She got everyone to gather around her before opening the video.

This time around, Tzuyu did not have her mouth taped shut. Everyone could hear Tzuyu's light sobs and the subtle cries for help. It was an obvious tactic to anger Jihyo which worked. Jihyo's father came into the scene and predatorily hovered over Tzuyu. He sniffed Tzuyu and made comments on how it reminded him of Jihyo and other sexual remarks. To top it all off, he ripped a part of Tzuyu's shirt. This caused Tzuyu to start crying and loudly begging Jihyo to save her. The video then ended abruptly.

Everyone was silent as they took in what they just saw. No one knew what to say. Especially Jihyo who was petrified with a slew of emotions. Nayeon, who was sitting right beside Jihyo, went to place a hand on Jihyo's shoulder but was not able to complete the action as Jihyo suddenly stood up.

"I swear on my life that I will end my father's life with my own two hands!" Jihyo yelled with anger clearly coursing through her body.

Monday Afternoon: 6:00 P.M

Jihyo spent some time at the police station to file a report for Tzuyu's kidnapping. She gave them every piece of information she had, including the two videos that she received. The police officer taking her report promised that they would assign detectives to the case immediately, reassuring Jihyo to a certain extent.

Jihyo went back to the restaurant and asked to borrow Nayeon and Jeongyeon's office. She has been holed up in their office for the past four hours. All she did was watch the two videos over and over again. She believed that there had to be some hint as to where her father was keeping Tzuyu captive. She became obsessed with that belief.

No matter how many times she watched the videos, no matter how many times she analyzed every single detail, and no matter how much she tried to muster up some make-belief evidence; Jihyo came to the painful conclusion that there were no hints implanted in the videos. She came to the realization that she spent the past four hours watching and listening to the love of her life suffer. Jihyo felt almost desensitized by it, and this fact sickened her.

Jihyo slammed her hand on the table out of frustration before starting to cry, "Goddammit! This is all my fault! I shouldn't have let Chewy go on her own! I should have gone with her! I shouldn't have said that I wanted to talk to Mom about something!"

Jihyo clutched her chest as it started to feel heavy. Her breathing became ragged as the reality of the situation set in. She wanted nothing more than to see her Tzuyu safe and sound in her arms. She felt useless and pathetic for not being able to fulfill her promise of keeping Tzuyu safe.

Jihyo jumped when a knock suddenly came at the door. She wiped her tears and called for the person to come in. The door opened and Mina walked into the room. Mina closed the door behind her while keeping one hand behind her back.

"How are you feeling?" Mina asked while sitting down beside Jihyo.

Jihyo let out a sigh, "I am feeling like shit."

Mina placed her free hand on Jihyo's shoulder, "I understand that finding Tzuyu is the number one priority, but I think that you need to take a break."

"I can't! I MUST find Chewy!" Jihyo protested with glistened eyes.

Mina nodded her head in understanding as she retracted her hand, "It's very clear that your mental state is not in a good place right now. You need to keep your physical health up to be able to take down your father. Nothing would be worse than for you to collapse at the most crucial point. I am not saying that you need to take a long break; all I am saying is that you should take a quick break to eat and replenish your fluids."

Mina showed the hand that she had behind her back to reveal some snacks and a bottle of water, "It's not much, but I assume you wouldn't have any time to eat anything big."

Jihyo smiled at Mina's clear attempts to comfort and look out for her, "Thank you, Mina. Honestly."

Mina smiled at Jihyo's response, "It's nothing. The '97 line needs to watch out for each other."

Jihyo let out a chuckle, "I owe you one as part of the '97 line then."

Mina shook her head, "Really, you don't owe me anything. I want to see you and Tzuyu together again, and am just doing my part."

"You're a really good friend, you know that?" Jihyo said before frowning, "How is everyone else doing anyways?"

"Nayeon and Jeongyeon-unnies reduced service so that everyone can help wherever they can. They have spent the entire time calling their contacts and sending the two videos to people who can help analyze it. So far, there have been no results," Mina explained.

"With everyone's help, we will bring Chewy home, safe and sound. I am sure of it," Jihyo stated with a confident smile.


A/N: Hello everyone! I am back with another update! I am getting really worried for Tzuyu. Jihyo's father said he would not hurt Tzuyu, but it is very clear that he has. I can't wait until the moment he gets captured and faces Jihyo's wrath. Anyways, until next time, thank you for the support!

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