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Present Time: Friday Night

3rd Person POV

Jihyo gasped heavily as she felt her consciousness snap back into her body. She shivered from a high akin to an adrenaline rush. Beads of sweat rolled down the side of her face as she tried to normalize her breathing. The world around her was dark no matter which direction she looked in. She tried to keep calm and give a logical explanation for what she was experiencing but failed to do so.

It took what felt like an eternity before the world around Jihyo started coming back. The first thing she realized was that she was standing in the middle of a sidewalk on a somewhat chilly night. She could feel a light breeze brush against her. It was soothing considering the panic that Jihyo was in.

Jihyo was shocked to say the least. She had vivid memories of the future but could not explain why they did not correspond with the present. Was she daydreaming? Had she accidentally hit her head on something while walking down the sidewalk? No matter how much Jihyo tried to wrap her head around the situation, nothing made sense.

Jihyo looked slightly ahead of her and noticed a young woman sitting on a bench all hunched up. A moment later, the younger woman jumped ever so slightly. It was a very similar reaction to Jihyo just moments prior. The reaction clearly meant something which was unknown to Jihyo.

Jihyo instantly felt her heart beating faster. A feeling of familiarity took over her darkened heart. She remembered why she had been walking on this sidewalk; she remembered her intentions for this night; and her memories told her that she did not end up going through with what she wanted to do.

Jihyo questioned her memories as she knew she had seen this woman before but that was only in the future. The future that she herself was not fully convinced was reality. A warm feeling suddenly spread across Jihyo's body. It was almost as if she was holding something warm in her arms, cuddling it to sleep before following it into dreamland. It was almost as if the memories that Jihyo had were in fact real.

All of this led to Jihyo starting to debate with herself whether or not she should walk up to the younger woman, whose name she remembered as "Tzuyu". This hesitation allowed for the darkness that thrived in her heart to eliminate the feeling of warmth and familiarity that made Jihyo start to believe that the memories meant something; that those memories were telling her what she should do in this case.

Jihyo had one sudden question that popped up in her head. Had she just experienced an out of body experience or had her mind degraded that far to the point she was creating memories that never existed? There was no way to rationalize what she experienced. Let alone, there was no one that she believed shared the same experience. How could someone? Her mind and soul had already been corrupted with darkness to the point of near no return.

Jihyo shook her head as the darkness in her heart won out. There was no point to her in entertaining the concept of her memories being fake. All that mattered was what she had intended to do by the end of the night. That was all she had been thinking about the entire day. What was the point of talking to someone who felt essentially like a stranger to Jihyo? It was not like they could have stopped the darkness in her heart from spewing its toxic intent of control over her and destroying the shred of humanity that remained in her even after all these years.

Jihyo made up her mind to walk past the woman on the bench. Just as she passed the woman, she felt someone suddenly holding onto her sleeve. Jihyo turned around and her breath instantly caught in her throat. She was met with the eyes that she had come to love from her memories, she could see the warmth that she cherished in the woman's eyes, and the look on her face screamed that she was the "Tzuyu" from her memories, the Tzuyu that she fell in love with.

"Park Jihyo... unnie, do you believe in Intertwined Souls?" Tzuyu asked while letting go of Jihyo's sleeve.

Jihyo thought for a second, "I didn't think so... but now... maybe I do," she replied with a small smile.

A smile formed on Tzuyu's face after hearing Jihyo's response, "Then, this time, we won't mess this up."

---The End---

A/N: Hello everyone! I am back with the Epilogue and conclusion of this story! You probably weren't expecting something like this, right? Well neither did I. I originally had a different plan on how to end this story but thought that this would be more impactful. This ending gives a lot of room for interpretation. The last bit of dialogue should make it a bit clear, so I hope it isn't too confusing. At the end of the day, I wish the best to JiTzu.

I am planning to finish my Jihyo x Female Reader story titled "CEO's Love Story" and write slow updates to my new JiTzu x SaTzu fanfic titled "Heartbreak". The Prologue for "Heartbreak" is already out so feel free to check that out.

 The Prologue for "Heartbreak" is already out so feel free to check that out

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Anyways, like always, thank you for the support!

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Anyways, like always, thank you for the support!

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