Chapter 27

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Friday Afternoon: 2:30 P.M

3rd Person POV

Jihyo and Tzuyu made a little playpen area for Gucci to play in while they were away at work. They hoped it was large enough for the small dog and tall enough that he could not jump over it. Gucci seemed well behaved so they trusted him to not cause a mess. He was left with plenty of food and water for when he needed it and even had a little place set up for him to do his business.

Jihyo had the smart idea of going to buy a wireless camera during lunch for her and Tzuyu to keep an eye on Gucci. The two of them set it up and played with Gucci for a bit before going back to work. They ate lunch while watching their newest family member rolling around. It was entertaining to them to watch how energetic the small dog was even when they were not around.

Jihyo was now hauling trash from the restaurant through the backdoor for garbage collection in the alleyway behind the restaurant. She made several trips before finally hauling the last bag out. She took a moment to rest to wipe the sweat off of her forehead with the back of her shirt's cuff and looked at the pile of trash she hauled.

"God, you were heavy to carry," Jihyo complained.

Warning: This next scene contains content that may be triggering to some readers.

Just as Jihyo turned around, she found her back pushed up to a wall and a hand covering her mouth. Her eyes widened in surprise as she let out screams that were muffled. She started panicking as the perpetrator's face was covered by their hood and the darkness of the alleyway. Her heart started racing as she tried to analyze the situation and figure out a way to escape.

"Don't remember me?" a man's deep voice rang out into the darkness.

Jihyo's eyes widened in shock as the voice rang in her ear. She could never forget this voice that was etched into her mind. Her eyes filled with fear the moment the man removed his hood and revealed his face. Tears started falling from Jihyo's eyes as her body began to shake.

Memories that Jihyo wanted to forget and worked hard to forget started flooding her head. Jihyo was overwhelmed with a storm of emotions brought forth from every terrible memory. All the pain, suffering, and countless nights of sleeping with one eye open in case something happens to her hit her like a train.

"It seems like you still remember me. I like that," the man said with a wicked smile on his face.

Jihyo shook her head rapidly as she weakly tried to break away from the man's grip. The man tightened her hold on Jihyo's mouth before licking his lips predatorily. He already knew that he had Jihyo in the palm of his hand and that she could not fight back against him.

The man grabbed a bundle of Jihyo's hair and took a sniff, "You have become a beautiful woman since I last saw you Jihyo," he commented.

The man's comments sent a feeling of disgust directly to Jihyo's stomach. Her knees went weak as she lost all power within her body. She wanted to run or scream for help but knew that she could do neither. She never could back then and knew that she still could not even now.

The man scanned Jihyo's body predatorily, "You've developed curves in all the right places too," he said before licking his lips once again, "Especially right here."

The man reached his free hand out towards Jihyo's chest. Jihyo closed her eyes out of fear and tried even harder to struggle. Before the man could touch her chest, she heard a loud sound ring out and the sudden loss of weight on her mouth. She opened her eyes and was surprised to see Jeongyeon standing in front of her holding a frying pan. She looked to the side and saw that the man had stumbled back and was holding his face.

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