Chapter 28

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Sunday Morning: 10:00 A.M

3rd Person POV

Although Tzuyu's support and warmth provided Jihyo with what she needed to feel better, there was still part of Jihyo that felt down. Tzuyu noticed this immediately after waking up and having breakfast with Jihyo. She devised a plan to cheer her girlfriend up.

Tzuyu convinced Jihyo to go out with her. Jihyo accepted without a question. Tzuyu carried Gucci in his carrying bag as they all left the apartment. Jihyo and Tzuyu intertwined hands while Tzuyu placed Gucci between the two of them. The little dog barked and panted as they passed by other dogs. Jihyo and Tzuyu giggled as Gucci would whine when the other dogs went out of sight.

They all arrived at Tzuyu's planned destination after a short walk. Jihyo was surprised when she saw the community centre in front of her. She looked towards Tzuyu who was smiling at her. She did not question Tzuyu's intentions as she allowed the younger woman to bring her to the community centre garden.

Tzuyu let go of Jihyo's hand to allow the older woman to find a spot to sit. She placed Gucci's carrying bag on the ground and allowed the little dog to jump out and run around. She laughed before going over to sit beside Jihyo who had found a bench.

"So, why did you bring me here?" Jihyo asked curiously.

"Well, you mentioned that this was your home away from home, so I was hoping that it would offer you some comfort," Tzuyu replied as she looked up at the sky.

Jihyo smiled before leaning over to kiss Tzuyu on the cheek, "Thank you, Chewy. It's been a very long time since I have sat here. This garden has always found a way to calm me."

Tzuyu giggled as she smiled because of Jihyo's kiss, "I know what you mean. This garden just has a magical effect."

Jihyo and Tzuyu leaned back into the bench and stared up at the sky overhead. The clouds quickly moved overhead as rays of light shone down to the earth. It was very calming and almost put both women to sleep.

"I already know you know this but..." Tzuyu trailed off as she sat up, "I am here for you whenever you need me. I know whatever is going through your mind is difficult to talk about, and I am in no way trying to force you to talk or anything. I just want to remind you that I will be here for you no matter what."

Jihyo sat up and let out a sigh, "I know you are. It's just been hard to bring up. But I guess now is a better time than any."

Tzuyu gave Jihyo a concerned look, "Are you sure? I don't want you to force yourself to talk about it if it makes you uncomfortable."

Jihyo nodded her head as she reached out to intertwined hands with Tzuyu, "Now I am sure," she replied before taking a deep breath, "The person who attacked me is my father," she said, surprising Tzuyu, "To tell you the truth, I lied about part of my past. My family was perfect when I was younger. I had loving parents who doted on me all of the time. All of that changed when my mother passed away due to illness when I was about seven years old. My father changed instantly. He sank into depression and started drinking heavily."

Jihyo paused as her body started to shake, "My father started abusing me. Every possible form you can think of, he did except for sexual. I had no friends, so I always felt alone in the abuse. I would come to this garden for comfort."

Tears started falling from Jihyo's eyes as she struggled to continue, "The abuse and pain continued for several years until a teacher noticed and called Child Protective Services. I was happy because I was put into the foster system and could find a new family. But it turns out that the system was just as bad as my abusive father. You already know the rest of my story, but my experience in the foster system led me to develop the belief that there was no reason for me to get close to others as they would just abandon me anyways. I am sorry for lying to you, but I didn't want anyone knowing the truth. There's no point hiding it now that my father has shown up again."

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