Chapter 34

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Sunday Evening: 8:00 P.M

3rd Person POV

Jihyo spent the evening talking to Tzuyu's mother. The room was filled with laughter as they talked about the most random of topics. Jihyo was kind of reminded of the time when her own mother was still alive and how her mother would always talk to her.

"You know, Mom. I really enjoy talking to you," Jihyo commented.

Tzuyu's mother smiled at Jihyo's comment, "And I really enjoy talking to you as well. It kind of reminds me of the conversations I had with Tzuyu when she was still a kid."

Jihyo started blushing, "Really?"

Tzuyu's mother nodded her head, "Yeah, you two are very similar... which kind of makes me wonder, when will you two have your wedding?" she asked with a smirk.

Jihyo's eyes widened in surprise, "Mom! Please! Stop teasing me!" she exclaimed while pouting.

Tzuyu's mother chuckled, "I am not teasing you. I am being serious. Have you considered it?"

Jihyo let out a sigh as she looked down towards her lap, "Ever since you started teasing us about it, I have considered what I wanted to do. I want to be the one who proposes to Chewy, but there hasn't been much time to plan anything out. All I know is that I want her in my life forever. Chewy told me about a dream she had about our future, and I want to make it a reality."

Tzuyu's mother reached over to place a hand on Jihyo's shoulder, causing the younger woman to look up, "You know what Tzuyu told me?" she asked, gaining a head shake from Jihyo, "She also told me that she wants you to be in her life forever, as well as sharing her dream with me. If you need any help, just let me know."

Tzuyu's mother's statement caused Jihyo to smile, "Thank you, Mom."

The two of them started talking about a theoretical wedding for Jihyo and Tzuyu. It was an interesting conversation as they had almost every detail figured out. Although it was kind of odd that the two of them did not wait for Tzuyu to discuss these kinds of things.

Jihyo pulled out her phone to check the time, "That's odd... I would have expected Chewy to be back by now."

Tzuyu's mother's eyebrows furrowed, "Does it normally take this long to walk Gucci?"

Jihyo shook her head with a concerned expression on her face, "Not at all, but she should be back any moment now."

Jihyo's phone suddenly started ringing. She looked at her phone and her expression brightened when she saw that it was from Tzuyu. She showed her phone to Tzuyu's mother before picking up the call and putting it on speaker phone.

"Chewy! What's taking you so long?" Jihyo asked before gaining several seconds of silence, "Chewy?"

"Hello... Jihyo," a deep voice came from Jihyo's phone.

Jihyo froze upon hearing the familiar voice, her breath catching in her throat, "Father..."

"Ding ding, that's right!" Jihyo's father said.

"What... did you do... to Tzuyu?" Jihyo asked nervously.

"Wouldn't you want to know?" Jihyo's father mocked Jihyo, "You will find out tomorrow," he said before hanging up the call.

Jihyo's hands instantly dropped to her lap. Her eyes were wide in shock. Her palms were sweating, and her breathing was shallow. She could not believe what she had just heard. Part of her knew that she should have gone with Tzuyu, but she decided against it. Now, her worst fear was becoming reality.

"No... No... NO!" Jihyo screamed as she clutched her head.

Tzuyu's mother grabbed Jihyo by the shoulder, "Jihyo! Listen to me! You need to stay calm!"

Jihyo shook her head as she started to hyperventilate, "No! It's all my fault! I shouldn't have sent her off alone! Now she's in danger! My father kidnapped her!"

Tzuyu's mother forced Jihyo to look at her, revealing Jihyo's distraught expression, "Jihyo, I am going to need you to follow after me, okay?" she asked calmly and with a warm tone of voice, gaining a nod from Jihyo, "Take a deep breath. Hold it... Okay, now let it out. Repeat... Okay. One more time... Okay. Good. I know this is not what you want to hear and nor is it the words I want to say, but I need you to stay calm. Can you do that for me?"

Jihyo nodded her head as she began to sob, "I will try, but Mom... Tzuyu... I need to save her... I don't know what my father... will do to her!"

Tzuyu's mother's eyes glistened, "I know, but... we won't be able to find her if we don't think straight. Let me call Nayeon and Jeongyeon."

Jihyo hugged her body as it started to shake. Tzuyu's mother called Nayeon and Jeongyeon on her phone. She tearfully begged for them to come to the hospital as there was an emergency and to contact everyone else as well. Nayeon and Jeongyeon said that they were on their way and will be there in a couple of minutes.

True to their word, Nayeon and Jeongyeon showed up a couple of minutes later. They were shocked to see the distraught look on both Jihyo and Tzuyu's mother's faces. Nayeon instantly rushed over to Jihyo to comfort her, while Jeongyeon went over to Tzuyu's mother to comfort her. The two of them were too shocked by the situation to even notice that Tzuyu was not present.

Moments later, everyone else arrived. They were shocked to see Jihyo and Tzuyu's mother's state and had many questions. Just like Nayeon and Jeongyeon, they did not notice Tzuyu's absence. They split up and helped comfort the two sobbing women.

Jihyo fell asleep in Nayeon's arms nearly half an hour later, mentally exhausted from the situation; while Tzuyu's mother calmed down to a periodic sniffle. Jeongyeon helped Nayeon lift Jihyo and placed her in a chair. It was at that moment that everyone finally noticed Tzuyu's absence.

"Wait a minute, where is Tzuyu?" Nayeon asked, causing Tzuyu's mother to jump.

Jeongyeon sat down beside Tzuyu's mother and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Ma'am? Is there something that we should know?"

Tzuyu's mother looked Jeongyeon in the eyes, "Tzuyu was kidnapped by Jihyo's father," she revealed, shocking everyone present.


A/N: Hello everyone! I am finally back with another update! Everyone is now aware that it was Jihyo's father who kidnapped Tzuyu. I hope everyone is able to save Tzuyu before Jihyo's father does something to her. Anyways, until next time, thank you for the support!

P.S. I am not promising that I am fully back, but I will try to release more updates.

P.S.S. Should I release the Prologue to a JiTzu x SaTzu story I want to write?

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