Chapter 22

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Saturday Morning: 9:00 A.M

3rd Person POV

Nayeon and Jeongyeon went home after doing some paperwork on Tzuyu's behalf. Even though it was just past midnight, they contacted everyone else who was waiting to hear from them. Everyone let out a collective sigh of relief when they heard about Tzuyu's stable condition. Nayeon and Jeongyeon decided to omit what they witnessed, along with the fact that Jihyo was sleeping in the same bed as Tzuyu at the hospital, and opted to invite everyone to come with them to visit Jihyo and Tzuyu in the morning.

Everyone met up at the restaurant. Momo, Sana, and Mina cooked a Taiwanese dish that Tzuyu had taught them to make. Nayeon and Jeongyeon wrote a card while Dahyun and Chaeyoung made a gift basket. Everyone packed everything once they were done and headed to the hospital.

Nayeon and Jeongyeon took the lead and brought everyone to Tzuyu's room. The two of them looked through the window and saw that Jihyo and Tzuyu were still asleep. They gestured to everyone to be silent before entering the room.

The unknowing were surprised to see Jihyo cuddling with Tzuyu on the latter's hospital bed. They looked towards Nayeon and Jeongyeon who smiled at them and nodded. Everyone put their belongings down on the various chairs in the room before taking out their phones. They started taking pictures of the newly formed couple. They cooed at the adorable way Jihyo pulled Tzuyu closer to her and how Tzuyu would react by nuzzling closer to Jihyo.

Jihyo stirred in her sleep as the sounds of everyone cooing became louder. She opened her eyes and looked in front of her but had to rub her eyes to refocus her vision. Her eyes widened in surprise when she realized that Nayeon and Jeongyeon were standing beside the bed. She gently sat up and was further surprised when she saw everyone else in the room.

"What are all of you doing?" Jihyo questioned in a whisper to avoid waking Tzuyu up.

Everyone hid their phones and pretended to be innocent, "Nothing at all," Nayeon answered on behalf of the group.

"That's so sus---" Jihyo was in the middle of retorting when she felt Tzuyu stirring beside her.

Tzuyu groaned as she sat up with sleepy eyes, not realizing that everyone was present, "Ji-Ji, why are you awake?" she asked before pulling Jihyo into a short kiss, "Let's go back to sleep."

Jihyo started blushing from Tzuyu's bold action, "But everyone is here."

Tzuyu squinted her eyes as she turned before rubbing her eyes to clear the sleepiness away. Her eyes widened in shock when everyone's figures came into focus. Her cheeks turned a bright red colour when she realized what she had just done in front of everyone. She quickly latched onto Jihyo and hid her face in her girlfriend's shoulder.

"Ji-Ji, why are you awake?" Dahyun mimicked Tzuyu.

Chaeyoung made kissing sounds, "Let's go back to sleep," she teased.

Tzuyu's grip on Jihyo tightened. Jihyo frowned before wrapping her arms around Tzuyu in a protective manner, "You two better stop your teasing if you don't want to meet my wrath," she uttered in a deadly tone as she glared at Dahyun and Chaeyoung.

Dahyun and Chaeyoung placed their hands up as they backed up. They did not expect Jihyo to take their teasing to heart. The two of them were genuinely scared of the way Jihyo glared at and threatened them.

"I am sorry unnie. We were just teasing Tzuyu. Right Chaeyoung?" Dahyun apologized.

Chaeyoung nodded her head, "I am sorry too. We didn't mean any harm."

Jihyo let out a sigh as her expression softened, "I am sorry too," she apologized before leaning down to kiss the top of Tzuyu's head, causing Tzuyu to smile, "Chewy looked uncomfortable and I hate seeing her like that."

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