Chapter 26

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Thursday Afternoon: 6:00 P.M

3rd Person POV

Jihyo and Tzuyu decided to go home after calming down. Jihyo could tell that Tzuyu was feeling down and decided to make something nice for Tzuyu to eat. She remembered hearing from Momo, Sana, and Mina that Tzuyu really loves Taiwanese food, so she decided to search up a recipe on the internet. She quickly made dinner and the two of them ate in silence.

Tzuyu appreciated Jihyo's efforts and it really cheered her up, but it was only momentarily. There was a lot on her mind since hearing everything about her mother. She did not want to believe what she heard but there was so much evidence in front of her eyes that she could not just outright reject the truth.

Jihyo was saddened when all of her efforts were not enough to cheer Tzuyu up. Even when the two of them were cuddling, Jihyo could feel how Tzuyu would not loosen up around her. She went to sleep thinking of what she could do to truly cheer Tzuyu up.

An idea popped into Jihyo's mind when she was eating lunch with Tzuyu at work. She remembered the time the two of them went to the dog café and how happy Tzuyu looked. She decided to take Tzuyu on another date.

Jihyo told Nayeon and Jeongyeon that Tzuyu and her would not be attending the usual hangout. The two older women could guess what happened based on Tzuyu's behaviour and sent their blessings. Tzuyu was confused when she heard Jihyo's plan but did not object.

Jihyo brought Tzuyu to the same dog café that they went to on their date. A wide smile instantly formed on Tzuyu's face when she saw all of the dogs running around. Tzuyu was eyeing some of the puppies contemplating if she should chase after them. Jihyo saw the look on Tzuyu's face and told her to go play with the dogs while she went to look for a table.

Tzuyu's face brightened considerably before running off to chase some puppies who ran away from her. Jihyo giggled as the scene reminded her of the last time the two of them came to this dog café. She went to order two hot chocolates before finding a table to sit at.

Jihyo took out her phone and took some pictures of Tzuyu chasing some puppies. Tzuyu looked really adorable and free of worries as she struggled to catch the much faster creatures. Jihyo wished that she could always have Tzuyu looking like this instead of the saddened expressions from yesterday but knew that it would be difficult but not impossible.

"Ji-Ji! Look! Look! I caught one of the puppies!" Tzuyu exclaimed happily as she ran over to Jihyo with a wide smile on her face.

Jihyo giggled, "Aweee the both of you look so adorable," she cooed.

Tzuyu sat down and placed the puppy in her lap before blushing, "I do?"

Jihyo nodded her head, "Of course! You shine really brightly when you are surrounded by dogs. It kind of makes me jealous if I am perfectly honest, but all that matters is that you are happy."

Tzuyu shrank as she shyly stroked the puppy's head, "I don't know why, but I feel shy when you say something like that."

Jihyo giggled, "Don't be shy. I love it when you are happy and smiling, and I will do anything to make sure you are always that way."

Another dog came up to Tzuyu and started barking before she could reply to Jihyo, "Oh, who are you, little one?" Tzuyu asked.

A barista came to their table to give them their orders, "That dog's name is 'Kaya'. You are actually holding her daughter, Butter, in your lap right now," they explained before leaving.

Tzuyu's face widened in surprise as she quickly picked up Kaya and placed her down beside Butter so that the mother and daughter could be together, "That's a lot better. I wouldn't want to separate you two. No I wouldn't," she cooed as the two dogs started licking her face, "Yah! Stop that!" she complained while laughing.

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